My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Monday, March 31, 2008

First day back to work

I got the wedding invitations today. OMG they are sooooo pretty. I wish I had done the brown ink on them instead of black, but they are beautiful all the same!! I can't wait to send them out!

It was so hard to go back to work today, but having my student teacher made it tolerable. She is doing such a good job! I was able to observe her teaching reading this morning, and then get a lot of wedding stuff done. I booked The Hard Shell for the rehearsal. We'd been on the fence for quite some time, but we are very excited about having it there, and decided to just spend the extra money to do it there. I think it will be really good.

I also spent quite awhile looking for favors. I still can't find anything affordable that I really like. I need to keep hunting for those.

I came home just for a bit, then it's off to class tonight. I dread it more than you can imagine. What was I thinking going back to school!?!?!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Break is over!

Spring Break is over. I'm distraught. What a great week! We didn't do anything all that exciting- no trips to the beach, no Busch Gardens, no girl time, no me time, no shopping. (Sounds pretty crappy now that I type it all out!) But, it was actually nice. I cleaned out every closet in the house with the exception of Tony's. (His closet is very, very scary and I won't go there. I don't know how he lives with it like that, but that's another blog.) I gathered 12 bags of clothes, books, and toys, and another 2-3 boxes of dishes and had AmVets come pick it all up on Thursday morning. I feel productive. The weather has been awesome. We went to the park yesterday and just hung out.

Better yet, I've exercised (at the gym, or running) every day this week! YEAH ME! I worked out with Dave the Trainer yesterday, and then went on a 2 mile run last night- which was a first for me; never two things on the same day! I'm going today to have my measurements done, AGAIN. There's nothing scarier than standing in front of my hottie trainer while he pinches and measures and calculates body fat. I know right away when he gives me a's either a "YOU GO GIRL look" or a "YOU REALLY NEED TO GET SERIOUS" look. I'm anxious to see what look I get today.

Today I am going to go sit on my deck and try to get some sun. I'm so freaking pasty white, which really doesn't help my cause. At least stretch marked cellulite looks better tan than white, right?

Mason is going on a camping trip this weekend. I'm sad. Tony is going with him tonight, but the rest of the weekend, he will be parent-less. I can't believe he's old enough to do that. I said something like that today, and he said "Mom, it's part of being a scout. I have to be self-sufficient". WHAT?!?! What happened to my little man???
(I tried to put those pics at the bottom- don't know how to move them....)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A funny....

I was just having a conversation the other day about men measuring their "men". LOL
I came home and asked Tony if he'd ever done it. He laughed and said yes...."every guy has at some point in their life". At least he's honest, right?

Then I read this online on another blog I read, Greek Tragedy.

compact cars and shafts
"I want it to be as compact as possible when I'm not using it." It's true of your cell phone, a pocket knife, or a contractible beach bag, even. But Phil feels this way about his man bits. The growers vs. showers debate unfolded in the following manner:
"I get these emails all the time," Phil says as he looks up from his laptop. "I just got one that says 'Be 10 inches when flaccid.' Who would want to be ten inches when they're not even doing anything with it?""You've been sampling the punch again, haven't you?""No, really, what's the point? I mean, it's not like it's in service or anything.""Well, I for one think it's quite nice--are you kidding?!--a nice third leg hanging down mid-thigh...""Nah, who wants that? I want it to be that way hard, not soft.""You want a collapsible travel cup.""Who needs all that excess to just get in the way?""A radio antenna.""Huh?""You basically want a space-saver penis.""This isn't that pyramid show.""Baby, the wheels of an aircraft are supposed to be retractable, not your dick." He shrugs. "How big is yours, I mean technically?""I don't know." Lie numero uno."Oh, come on. Every guy knows, or at least has a general idea." When I say "general" I really mean they've accounted for the weather when measuring their instruments. Marked by exactness, penile particulars are never relayed in shrugs of "I don't know." Males assess their assets from all possible angles, treating their calculations as if they're SAT results, only considering the best combination of scores. If he admits to only having a "general idea," it means he's all but tried to weigh the thing."I've never measured it." Dos."You mean never this year, or never since we've been married or something, right?""No, never." "Then there's something wrong with you." I get that it's not a practice of grown men, but I cannot imagine a pubescent boy trapped up in bathrooms with his mother's lingerie catalog, or even a dated J.C. Penny's circular, and believe, even for a moment, that he never once measured his manifesto."It's true. I haven't." Tres and quatro: two counts for adamantly declaring it a truth. Next he'll say he never once sampled the fruit of its labor. "Besides," he adds, "all that's important is that it's big when it's in use, but otherwise, small as possible works.""You'd never survive as a gay man."

I think that is so freakin funny.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Grumpy vent

Today is the first day of Spring Break. A few random thoughts before I go to the gym:

1. I am up to 147 lbs. I am so mad at myself. I can't get a grip on why I am gaining weight. I'm working out. I'm trying to eat right. I just want lipo. I hate my big stomach and I hate my fat legs. :(

2. Why did I start cleaning out? My room looks great...and 4 bags to go to Goodwill. But Mason's room is a complete wreck, and from the looks of it, it's going to take a good, full day to get it in some kind of order.

3. I wanted to do some stuff with the kids this week, but I am flat broke. I hate that too.

4. I just put a bunch of stuff on ebay. I hope it sells. Badly.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I was walking down the hall at work the other day telling someone how I LOVED this warm weather. I then went on to say how lucky we had been this winter. None of us got sick. Not a sniffle. No doctor visits. No copays. Nothing.

Well, sure enough, Abbie gets a little sniffle on Saturday morning, and a full fledged fever by Saturday night. A trip to Patient First. a strep test, and a flu test yields nothing- "It's a virus". Well, she went to school Monday, but came home looking like a truck ran over her. A trip to the doctor (the real doctor, the pediatrician) yields a positive flu test! ARRRRGH! And it's too late for Tamiflu, so we just have to suffer thru it.

Why did I have to open my mouth?!?!?!

Monday, March 17, 2008


An oh-so-sweet friend recently reminded me that I'm being a slacker on this blog thing. I find myself thinking of writing something all the time, then I come in here to do it, and get distracted, usually by wedding stuff. Imagine that.

I have a student teacher. I'm so excited. She started last week and she did a great job. I think she's going to be the best one I've ever had. She is already teaching everything except reading, and doing it well. By her third day, she started teaching Math. The kids love her and she is making my life much easier. I have to do some observing and give her feedback, but I've been left with much more time to do other stuff too. I kinda like it. I think I should have her for the rest of the year, don't ya think?

Had my second (and last) fitting for my dress on Friday night. They did a great job with the alterations. Now I just need to make an appt with David for a portrait, and then make an appt for hair and makeup for after that. I guess I'll do it on a Saturday. I'm wondering if it could wait til June when school is out. At least then I'd have some sort of tan, maybe. I hope.

Nothing else going on really.... still going to school...only 7 more Monday night classes and 7 more Wednesday night classes, then 3 weeks off before I start again. I can't wait to be done with these two. I hate them both. No fun at all.

Off to get a snack for the youngest and then back to school to pick up the oldest from play practice.