My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wow, I did it.

I applied for a new job today. Crazy. I was sick to my stomach turning in the application packet. Now I get to hold my breath and wait. I have about 10-12 days to wait for any idea of feedback I'm guessing. It's a long shot, but I felt my heart telling me I needed to apply. Fifteen years in one place is a very long time, and I'm ready to be challenged in a new way. We shall see!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Today is Mothers Day, and it's been such a nice day. I woke up very briefly this morning as our live in alarm clock, Abbie, tiptoed in about 7 to wake up my husband. Apparently this was pre-planned. He got up, donned his G-town baseball cap and track pants to head to Starbucks. He came home with coffee, a Sunday paper, and two big bouquets of tulips - one for Mason to give me, and one for Abbie to give me. The kids then made b'fast with Tony's help- and it was so yummy. Bacon, eggs, biscuits, waffles, oj. YUM.

I stayed in bed and caught up with my Tivo- Oprah from all week- and then showered. We went to the cemetary to see my mom and the nicest man that worked there came up to us and gave me a flower. So sweet. We left there and went to hit golf balls, then out for ice cream. As I type, Tony is grilling yummy steaks for dinner. It couldn't have been a better day, unless I could have had my mom around. I've missed her a lot lately. If she was here, we would have gone by her house to give her her gift, which would have been something to use around the pool or yard this summer. I miss her so much. I seriously can't put into words how much I miss her. I talked to my sister, like I usually do on holidays, and we talked about what she'd be doing if she was here. We laughed about a few funny stories and ended with a sigh because we both know the other knows exactly how we feel. I thank God I have her because if I didn't, no one would truly get how I feel.

I hope all my mom friends had a fabulous day, full of love, children's laughter and smiles, and a few indulgences.