My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where has the time gone???

I can't believe I haven't written anything on here since July 29th. Where did the time go? I guess I post my updates on Facebook now instead. I also wonder sometimes since very few people read this, why do I even write it? It's not like I don't know what's goin on in my own life! :-) But, I'll do it anyway. Maybe one day I will want to look back and this and remember what was going on.

Kids are great. They are both doing really well in school. They are learning a lot and getting good grades. I have to say, I've been pleasantly surprised by the middle school. I've discovered it gets a bad "rep", I think mainly because it's not as new and shiny as the other middle schools, but we've had a good experience. I worry ALL THE TIME about Mason and his grades though. He always ends up with As or Bs, but man, it's a fight. He's so forgetful and unorganized, and at his age, I feel like I can't hand hold so much anymore. I know parents that still do, but I feel like he is smart enough to know what to do and how to do it, and he has to want to get the grades, and realize the consequences if he doesn't. It's super stressful though. Abbie is just my little social butterfly, happy as she can be, and smart as well. She's doing great, and seems to have a lot of friends. She's still a vegetarian, which I've gotten used to, but it's frustrating because she's also super picky about veggies. We are running out of options. I am having to force her to try a lot of new things, with not much success.

Tony is still working on his Masters- one semester to go- which culminates in May with a trip to Poland, which I'm not allowed to go on. I wish I could- what an opportunity. He is working in DC and I won't lie- it's super stressful on our family. He gets up at 3 am, and gets home about 5:30, very, very tired. WIth me working too, it's tough. I try my hardest to manage as much of the housework and kids stuff as possible, and sometimes I feel like a single mom again. He tries very hard to pitch in, but I know he's tired. He would love a job here, but there is just no market here for what he does. I totally envision us moving to the DC area once the kids are out of high school or in college. One day.....

I'm good- trying desperately to motivate myself to get back in the gym. I have managed to gain back all 10 pounds I had lost. I haven't been running, and football season means lots of beer and munchies for us, and all day on Sundays watching football. I have definitely brought this on myself, but it is really surprising to me sometimes how down I can get on myself over 10 lbs. I have less energy and find myself just really sad about how I look. But then I don't work out. So I feel like I can't complain. I made it 2 times this week to the gym to run, so that's a start. Hopefully I can keep it up. Work is going great- good class- excellent class actually.

I am hoping to get back here again.....soon!