My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gosh time flies!

It's been so long since I updated. One day recently, I wrote an update on everyone, and when I hit "publish", it disappeared! I couldn't bring myself to type it all again. So, I'll attempt it again now!

Tony is still working in DC, and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been a strain on our family. He gets very little sleep, as he gets up at 3 am every day to go to work. He gets home about 5:30 or 6 pm, and after dinner, and time with the kids, a little time for me, and a little time for himself, he's rarely in bed before 11. More than anything, I wish (and he wishes) he could find a job here, but there is no market here at the moment for what he does. DC is where all the jobs are, and his phone is ringing every day with job offers for up there! I offered to move to Fredericksburg and have done so repeatedly, but he just doesn't want to. I am hoping that 2010 will be the year he can find something here. He has a lot to look forward to this year- he will graduate in May from VCU with his Masters, and is going to Poland for a week before that to culminate his program. I am very happy for him, and proud of how hard he works to provide for us.

I am plugging along. With the recent budget announced, I am glad that I didn't get one of those AP jobs I applied for, as it looks like the last 4 APs hired may lose their jobs. I have more free time now than I have ever had, and am looking for the "next thing" I want to work on or accomplish. For right now, it's exercise, specifically running. I am trying very hard to get back into it as I would love to lose about 20 lbs. I really need to do it.

Mason is doing great in school and likes it more than he did last year. He auditioned for the school play and didn't get a great part, but he's happy to have gotten a part at all. He is so smart and I'm so proud of him. He is doing great on the sax and his teacher tells me all the time how talented he is. He is very excited about a Spring trip to Tennessee for a competition.

Abbie is also doing well....she just got contacts and looks so much older to me. I call her my shadow because she is around me all of the time. I love it. I keep telling myself she won't do so for much longer! She is all signed up for soccer and can't wait to play again. She's also very into music right now and art and can draw just about anything!

I'm hoping this is going to be a great year. We are going to the beach for a week in the Spring, and hopefully getting back out to Vegas at some point. Tony has a big birthday this year (30!!!) too so that will be fun to plan for.

SO that's where we are in a nutshell. Hopefully it won't be 6 months before I update again!