My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Monday, March 24, 2008

Grumpy vent

Today is the first day of Spring Break. A few random thoughts before I go to the gym:

1. I am up to 147 lbs. I am so mad at myself. I can't get a grip on why I am gaining weight. I'm working out. I'm trying to eat right. I just want lipo. I hate my big stomach and I hate my fat legs. :(

2. Why did I start cleaning out? My room looks great...and 4 bags to go to Goodwill. But Mason's room is a complete wreck, and from the looks of it, it's going to take a good, full day to get it in some kind of order.

3. I wanted to do some stuff with the kids this week, but I am flat broke. I hate that too.

4. I just put a bunch of stuff on ebay. I hope it sells. Badly.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh Susan, I can TOTALLY relate...remember me, girl that USED to dress all cute and stuff?? Yeah, not so much anymore. I have about a dozen tops / bottoms that fit and that's basically all my t's and stretch pants. It SUCKS! I swear I've been trying but I have 12lbs that just will not leave my body. At least you're working out!