My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I was walking down the hall at work the other day telling someone how I LOVED this warm weather. I then went on to say how lucky we had been this winter. None of us got sick. Not a sniffle. No doctor visits. No copays. Nothing.

Well, sure enough, Abbie gets a little sniffle on Saturday morning, and a full fledged fever by Saturday night. A trip to Patient First. a strep test, and a flu test yields nothing- "It's a virus". Well, she went to school Monday, but came home looking like a truck ran over her. A trip to the doctor (the real doctor, the pediatrician) yields a positive flu test! ARRRRGH! And it's too late for Tamiflu, so we just have to suffer thru it.

Why did I have to open my mouth?!?!?!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh NO!!!!! I hope little Abbie feels better!