My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Monday, May 19, 2008

50 things I love about Tony...

  1. I love his strong arms.
  2. I love that he loves my children as his own.
  3. I love when he gets me water at night.
  4. I love it when I catch his eye across a room in a crowd.
  5. I love it when he orders for me at dinner.
  6. I love how he insists on opening doors for me- the car, the house, whatever.
  7. I love it when he stops for Starbucks.
  8. I love his random text messages and emails.
  9. I love that he's insistent on what we dance to at the wedding.
  10. I love how involved he's wanted to be on everything.
  11. I love that he's romantic and mushy sometimes.
  12. I love his cologne.
  13. I love that he can't sleep without touching foot, my leg, whatever.
  14. I love that he tucks the kids in every night.
  15. I love what he has helped Mason become.
  16. I love that he acts like a kid sometimes.
  17. I love that he makes me laugh every single day.
  18. I love playing Phase 10 with him. (even though he hates that I win every time)
  19. I love sitting on the deck drinking wine and listening to music.
  20. I love that he will dance in the kitchen with me.
  21. I love his kisses.
  22. I love when he gets me a clean towel.
  23. I love that I'm the only girl he's ever taken home to mom.
  24. I love how planned out our engagement was.
  25. I love his Michael Jackson impression.
  26. I love singing in the car with him.
  27. I love going to clubs with him.
  28. I love that we love the same movies- When Harry Met Sally, 50 First Dates
  29. I love watching "our" shows together: Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, and yes, Rock of Love when it was on.
  30. I love that he loves my friends.
  31. I love that he is protective of me.
  32. I love that he gets "a little jealous" sometimes.
  33. I love when he scratches my back.
  34. I love that he loves my body, faults and all.
  35. I love that he likes doing homework with the kids.
  36. I love that he never forgets the anniversary of my breast cancer dx.
  37. I love watching football with him.
  38. I love hearing him talk about football....he really knows his stuff!
  39. I love watching him when he gets to hang out with Will.
  40. I love watching him interact with his brothers.
  41. I love the way his mom looks at him. You can tell she is so proud.
  42. I love his smell right out of the shower.
  43. I love it when he plays with my hair.
  44. I love how he looks when he dresses up, especially in a suit and tie.
  45. I love when he does chores. :-)
  46. I love when he comes to school to have lunch with me.
  47. I love it when he smiles.
  48. I love that he lets me cry whenever I am sad about my mom.
  49. I love that he doesn't let me cry when I'm stressed- he always talks me out of it or makes me realize things aren't so bad after all.
  50. I love that he lets me be who I am.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bring on Summer!

Nice day today... I'm just soooo ready for the rush of school to be over. The funny part is, it's not my job in particular that stresses me out. It's my kids school work. It's the tests, the quizzes, the SOL tests, the lunches and lunch money, sign this, return that, read never ends. I'm so looking forward to the slower pace of summer. Even though I'm going to have class three nights a week this summer, my days will be free. I just want to slooooooooooow down. Read a book. Go to the pool. Take naps. I'm ready for choir and boy scouts and brownies to be done for awhile. All the driving and dinner rush and bedtimes.

And then, at some point, hopefully after my honeymoon, I'll start to want to go back to work. Funny how that is.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bachelor parties and other nonsense...

A good friend's fiance just returned from his bachelor party. Another good friend's husband also just returned from a similar event. Of course, the boys had to be boys, and go to your friendly neighborhood strip club. What is up with strip clubs??? I've been to one, actually several, with Tony. The first time was....hmmmm.... interesting. I had to keep reminding myself not to gawk and to shut my mouth. After that, it just became boring.

So what is it about men and strip clubs? Why is that just "what you do" on a bachelor party? I know men are visual and all that BS, but don't you think they should feel awkward about some strange girl that gets paid to rub her ta tas all over them? It's a J O B to them....not a D A T E.

I keep telling myself I'm not going to care if he goes to one. I know he's not going to kiss her or anything like that....but I hate the thought of another woman rubbing her body all over him. Does that make me jealous? Does that make me a woman who isn't confident enough about her relationship? Do the women that say "I don't care if he goes" really mean it?


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Save the Drama for your mama

Drama with a capital D. That was my day today. Seriously. Over hotel rooms. And who is going to stay with who for my bachelorette party.

I'm at home, happily enjoying my 2nd glass of wine. I may have a 3rd. And maybe a 4th.