My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bring on Summer!

Nice day today... I'm just soooo ready for the rush of school to be over. The funny part is, it's not my job in particular that stresses me out. It's my kids school work. It's the tests, the quizzes, the SOL tests, the lunches and lunch money, sign this, return that, read never ends. I'm so looking forward to the slower pace of summer. Even though I'm going to have class three nights a week this summer, my days will be free. I just want to slooooooooooow down. Read a book. Go to the pool. Take naps. I'm ready for choir and boy scouts and brownies to be done for awhile. All the driving and dinner rush and bedtimes.

And then, at some point, hopefully after my honeymoon, I'll start to want to go back to work. Funny how that is.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I thought about you the other day...thinking about getting that big ol' folder stuff to do by the end of the year. I LOVED getting that thing and checking all the junk off!