My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Friday, October 24, 2008

Time to relax!!

It's been CrAzY lately! Finally, a night with NOTHING to do, and a relaxing Saturday ahead too.

Let's see.... what's new....

Well, Mason is in a play at Ft Lee, "It's a Wonderful Life". It opens Halloween night, and runs almost up to Thanksgiving. He only has 4 lines, but he is so cute doing them. He had to cut his hair, which he willingly agreed to, as long as he could grow it back after the play. He insisted he didn't like the cut, until he went to school and the girl he has had a crush on forever said it was "cute". Now he likes it and thinks he'll leave it. Sigh. The power of another woman. hee hee
I can't wait to see the play. energizer bunny. Wants to get back into dancing and also into soccer. Not sure how we are going to fit that in with brownies and all the other activities, but we are going to try to do at least one of them. She is still into Hannah Montana and is very, very artsy. She broke it to me the other day that she thinks she "might like boys" when she is Mason's age as opposed to "waiting til she's 30" like I've always told her.

Tony is taking three classes online and still getting up at 3 am every day to go to work in DC. He is doing an amazing job, and just got a promotion to project manager. I'm super proud of him. These 3 classes are his last and he will graduate in December, we think. He has already gotten info on a grad program at UVA, and will probably go right into that.

NOT ME.... I am starting my internship in January and I should finish up my classes in June or July. I'm so ready! I have really enjoyed them all, except two, but I'm ready to be home a few nights a week instead of always going to class or doing school work. I think I'm almost ready to look into some AP jobs, not this year, but next. I can't believe I'm saying that because I really love the classroom, but I think I'm ready for some new challenges. Some of my friends are thinking of the doctoral program, and I'm sure I'll go to the interest meeting,but I want to think I'm almost done with school!

I'm so excited for this election. I can't wait to go vote. We want to have a little get together election night if we can get our act together, and Tony has already informed me that we are going to the Inauguration, no matter what. History in the making. I hate the idea of that crowd, but love the idea of taking the kids to experience it.

Nothing else going on really..... just settling into married life and continuing to get the house straight and organized more. We just got a new fridge and new Miele dishwasher, which I love, which is pretty pathetic. The fridge is soooo cool....french doors and freezer at the bottom. The dishwasher is pretty cool too, with a slide out tray for silverware instead of a basket. Tony actually picked it out...he saw it and had to have it. Too funny. Let's see how often he empties it!

I think that's it for now....nothing too exciting!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Breast cancer is a blessing

Almost 8 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.It was awful, to say the least. I knew when the phone rang that day that it was going to be the doctor. I knew what he was going to say. It didn't matter that for a month, he'd been telling me it was nothing, and to relax. Some things you just "know", you know? So, in light of breast cancer awareness month, and my friends and sisters that have been through it or are going through it now, I thought I would summarize a few thoughts on the topic.

  1. Yes, it really is a blessing. Does it seem that way all the time? Hell no! But, in time, every single person I know that has been down this road has said the same thing. Here are just a few of the blessings I got from it.
  • My dad found God, and was saved. I would do it all again for that result.
  • I lost a friend that really wasn't a good friend to start with, but I thought she was. Friends that I was out of touch with really became my angels. You truly find out who are your true friends.
  • I met so many wonderful people that I may have just had conversations with for an instant or a few moments, but they really changed my life.
  • I got involved in the Young Survivor Coaliton at a time when I felt so alone and had no one to talk to. Talk about empowerment. Sitting amongst 500 women, all generally my age, really gave me hope about the future.

2. You learn very quickly that you can't be Superwoman like you strived to be before, but more importantly, you learn that you don't want to be anyway! Seriously, does it matter that your bed covers are perfectly straight all the time? Does it matter that your shoes are downstairs in the hall when you go to bed at night? (I say this because I used to not be able to sleep if I remembered that I left my shoes out. Weird, I know.) Does it matter if your kids eat boxed Chicken Nuggets and a can of corn from time to time instead of made from scratch meals? It doesn't. You don't have the time or energy to pull off Martha Stewart anymore, and after cancer, you realize that stuff really didn't matter.

3. I learned that I often overlooked small things that now I try really hard not to overlook.... a smile, a really pretty flower, the feel of the sun on my face. Sometimes it is perfectly ok to stop your life, lay down, and look at clouds in the sky.

4. Housework can wait. Friends, family, children, and having fun shouldn't.

5. Confession- I don't do self breast exams every month. I do them "now and then". However, I think everyone should know how to do them, and do them frequently.

6. You can't believe that all doctors are all knowing. Seriously. I've had many, many doctors over my years, and I can really only think of 2 that I would almost completely trust. You have to educate yourself about your hormones, your breasts, your choices. Don't believe for ONE SECOND that the dr is always right, or the insurance company is always right. If I believed my first dr, I'd be dead now. It's completely true. YOU know your body better than anyone, and God has given us an incredible gift called intuition. USE IT! Advocate for yourself. No one else will.

7. Educate yourself about MRIs of the breast, ultrasounds of the breast, mammogram and the different types. Ask questions.

8. Over 70% of women that get breast cancer have no family history. There is a false sense of security out there that if you don't have a history, you won't get it. Don't succumb to that.

9. In the same vein, don't live in fear either. Just live educated and aware.

10. If someone you know is going through breast cancer, don't worry about what you are going to say or do. Just ask "what can I do for you?" and don't let them say "Nothing". There is always something. They don't want to ask you. Offer to do laundry, get groceries, take their kids to do something really fun. If nothing else, stop by with some mindless magazines, a new movie, and some snacks. Keep doing it. They like it, even if they say they don't need it. Send a funny card. Offer to go to chemo with them. Get them some goodies to take the chemo nurses (our angels) Just don't look at them all sad and pitiful and look like you are going to cry. We do enough crying and being sad.

11. Recognize and celebrate with them their little milestones. One month in, 2 treatments to go, making it a week without being sick....whatever it is they have set as a goal.

12. And just on a personal note, when all the "pink" stuff comes out in October, it's really nice. I like a lot of it. But please, before you buy, look to see what (if any) of the proceeds are actually being donated. I won't buy it if it's not being donated. Some companies do 100%, some do 2%. I hate the idea of companies making a buck off of people who think they are buying something for a cause when it's not at all for the cause.

Whew...I'm long winded. But this is a topic I could go on and on and on about. I'll probably add more later. But, for now, I'm ignoring the 4 (yes, 4) overflowing baskets of laundry waiting to be folded in order to spend the rest of the day hanging out with my husband and watching football. I have my priorities straight. :-)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A good week!

What a nice week it's been!
My company left on Monday. We had such a great time, and it was so nice to slow down, hang out, and just relax. Of course, we did manage to go out and do a little booty-shakin on Saturday. That was tons of fun.

Sunday brought the dreadful Cowboys Redskins game. I do not know how that team does it....they could lose 10 games in a row, and the one game they are sure to win will be against US! BOOOO! Oh well..... we are going to kick them in the butt in DC. And next season, we are going to the new stadium to see them play! My hubby already promised! I can't wait.

Monday and Wednesday were "no break" days. Anyone who is a teacher or has been a teacher knows those days are twice as long as the others. Luckily my kids were really good. Last night, Tony and I took the kids to the fair. We had such a great time. No lines, and awesome weather. We had corn dogs, pizza, cheese fries, and of course, Tony had a huge turkey leg that made me want to puke! I love the fair, and I love fair food. We saw tons of animals, and just had a great time.

This weekend....should be a nice, slow weekend. Tony and I are going on a "date" while the kids are at their dad's. Not sure what it is going to be yet.... but I'm sure it will be fun!

Oh, and I almost forgot.... last week I had my interview for my REB award. I think it went really well. I don't think they will fund the whole thing, and I may not win at all....but I was happy with the interview. It was a great opportunity to really think, once again, about why I do what I do. Hurry up November 10th!!! If things go well, Tony and I could be going to Hawaii!! (It would only pay for me, but we've been planning on him going if I win....) His work trips to Japan and Germany will be the only thing that will hold him back from going. Hopefully the schedule will work out so that if I win, he can go. We may even try to take the kids, but I'm not saying anything to them just yet, just in case. It's a longshot that I'll even win.....