My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, I got an interview. I had that yesterday. Today was so.....weird. I knew they were interviewing people allllllllll day, and while I was working, I kept thinking about the other interviews and wondering how they were going. I don't wish anyone else bad luck, but geez.... I have to admit I was hoping no one did that well. :-) I really hope I hear something tomorrow. I hope they let me know either way, but I just want to hear good news. I want to get a call back. I know if they liked me, there is one, and quite possibly two, more interviews.

I've played this out both ways. I know if I get it, I'm just gonna be on cloud 9, and although the job won't start for quite awhile, I will want to start tomorrow! If I don't get it, I'm going to be very, very sad. I've been praying and just asking God to help me be accepting of whatever His will is, and I've asked my closest friends to pray for me as well. So, thank you friends. I want to be one of those people that is just still, quiet, and patient. I'm a work in progress for sure.

On an unrelated note, my hubby and I have been doing this book called "the Love Dare". Although we already had a strong marriage, this has been so fun to do. We are both so busy that sometimes it is hard to find time to "connect" and this has been really cool. Basically, you get a challenge every day that you have to complete. Although we know what the other is doing for the day, it's still been fun to see how it plays out. It's definitely kept us close in a very stressful time.

One more week of school........ so bittersweet!!! I have such nice kids this year. I look at them sometimes and think "this could be my last class if I get this job!". What an odd thought. I love them.... Such a joy to be able to spend my days with them.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Still praying and can't wait to hear. Keep me posted!

Just got the Love Dare on Wed. from the library-I had been on a waiting list. I'm going to start it this weekend. :0)