My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Let's try again....

I blink and six months has gone by. I'm not sure how that happens. I don't like it! I try to be one of those people that lives in the moment and enjoys every day, but still somehow, the days disappear.

So, tomorrow is my 2 year anniversary. Thought it would be a good time to update.

I am still teaching, although this year, I'm taking the leap from first grade to 2nd grade. I'm looping with my class, keeping all of the same students. I truly loved my class and was super sad (for about 5 minutes) on the last day of school. As much as I love the lazier days of summer, I am looking forward to seeing them all again. Many of their parents have become friends, so I've gotten to see many of them over the summer, but I miss them all the same. I would still love to get an AP job someday, but I know that has to happen in someone else's timeframe, not mine, so I'm trying to be patient.

Tony is still working in DC, still getting up at 3 am every day. I miss him so much over the summer when I'm home. I love keeping things straight and going around here though so he can rest when he's at home. During the school year, he definitely doesn't get to do that enough. He works so hard and I'm so thankful and blessed.

We are celebrating our two year anniversary tomorrow! We aren't going to do much though because we are currently planning (and paying for) a trip to Dallas in December. We are going to see the Cowboys play in their new stadium, and have 10 others going with us. I'm soooo excited!

Kids are awesome- they both just finished a 4 day run of a play, a musical adaptation of Pinocchio. Mason was Gepetto and Abbie played a child and a donkey.
:-) They did an amazing job and I got all teary every time I watched it. I can't believe Abbie is starting 5th grade, her last year at work with me! :-( She is into soccer and about to start flag football, but don't let that fool you- she's as girly as they come. Nails, hair, and anything girly--- loves it all. Mason is still in band, and is the only bari sax player in his band. He made all-district band, first chair, and loves theatre as well. He's really social these days...I guess that's what being a teenager is all about. He's always got a friend over, or he's at a friend's house. Lots of fun, and never a dull moment.

All in all, life is just really good. Sure, we have our stressers day to day, but at the end of the day, I am just truly blessed.

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