My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Saturday, October 9, 2010


So school has been going well. I love my class and I have great parents. It's been weird because as much as I love teaching, I really felt like I was supposed to go into administration, and that just isn't happening . I know i have to be patient and things will work out in God's time, so that's what I'm trying to do. T's job is going well too- we both just still really wish he could find a job here instead of commuting so far.

Life's been weird lately, but good at the same time. I've learned some hard lessons about friendship that I was pretty sure I had already learned years and years ago, but apparently, I'm always learning. You know that saying about friends coming into your life for a reason, season, or lifetime? Well, it's funny how friends you think are only going to be there for a reason, end up being in your life for a season or a lifetime. And friends you think are lifetime friends, actually turn out to be otherwise. Sigh. But, being a forever optimist, I look for the positives. I drew my husband even closer to me, and count my true friends as even bigger blessings. One day, someone will look back and realize the mistakes they made, but it will be too late. Friends just don't come that easily. Not real ones anyway.

Kids are doing great and make me so proud everyday. They are so smart, cute, outgoing, lovable, energetic, fun kids..... :-)

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