My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I went shopping today. I wanted to buy clothes. I've been trying to do this for weeks now. I can't find anything I like. Everything I do like costs waaaaay more than I'll spend on clothes for myself. However, I did manage to spend $200 on MAC makeup that I didn't even know I needed. I have been saying I wanted to try it for awhile, but still. Buyers remorse in overdrive. Most of that is going back. I was feeling pressured. I liked it all, and there it was ....all laying out on the counter. All shiny and new. And a line forming behind me of people waiting to get "made over". I just got it all. I figured I can decide later in the comfort of my own bathroom. :-)

Abbie got some cute stuff. She's really into shopping now, which is fun for me. The best part is she's pretty cost conscious. She picked up this one shirt today and told me she liked it. I liked it too, but I didn't like the $39.50 price tag. I said "Abbie! That shirt is $40!" and she made a scary face and said "It's not worth THAT!" and quickly put it down. My little bargain shopper. Perhaps I should have let her pick out my make up!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Regardless of who you are voting for....

This was a great speech. I think all parents and educators, regardless of who they are voting for, could read this in transcript form and agree with it all.
Of course, the haters will rule it all out simply because of the speaker, but I can honestly say, if McCain held these beliefs, I'd say the same thing. As a public school teacher, I can't afford NOT to vote for Obama. I love his beliefs on early education and early intervention. I have a niece that simply can't afford preschool. I think sometimes we forget that everyone doesn't have that luxury, and they start out behind. I love that he wants to give a $4000 tax credit for kids to attend public colleges. Anyway, I could go on, but my daughter is downstairs, not eating her butterbeans, and I must go enforce the eating rules.... ha ha

Hey --
I just watched Barack Obama deliver a major speech on education, and he has a plan to bring real change to our schools and our nation.
Watch Barack's speech on education and share it with your friends:

Just call me Annie Oakley...

I went to my sisters house today and my brother in law taught me how to handle and shoot three different guns. Crazy, I know. It's always been one of those things on my list of things to do before I die. It was really fun, and scary at the same time. I really liked the 22 the best. It was lightweight and easier to handle. The other two had too much kick back for me. I think it could be a hobby for me! My sister said they are building an indoor range nearby, so I think that'd be pretty cool! I dont' have any plans to buy one- I hate the idea of having one in the house- but it was really exciting to do.

Check one more thing off......

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. I really need to start running again. Really bad.

2. This week has been so crazy. Monday night- class and Mason's Back to School Night. Tonight- Abbie's choir followed by a parent meeting, and Mason's boy scouts. Tomorrow- Abbie's check up, class for me.
Thursday- Brownies. Friday- Nothing. Absolutely nothing and I can't wait.

3. I hate having to work full time, then come home and do laundry, dishes, and other housework. It's seriously two full time jobs.

4. If one more person asks me when we are having kids, I may explode. Do they not realize we have two already?!?! Isn't that enough? I know they mean well. I do understand that. It's just the sheer number of those that ask.

5. I'm going shooting this weekend. Never shot a gun before. I'm excited to learn. I'm going to be totally safe of course and learn from a pro in a safe environment. And no, I'll never have a gun in my house.

6. I wish Kerr's maternity leave would hurry up and end.

7. My kids are doing so great adjusting to school. I'm so proud of them.

8. My issue at school was a non-issue today. I needed that today. Thank you sweet child.

9. I want to dump out my closet and start all over again. In my dreams.

10. I can't stand Palin.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School days

Well, my middle schooler has made it through a full "A" day and a full "B" day and has had great days both days! I'm so proud of him. He isn't nervous at all, at least that's what he says. I've talked to several parents who told me their kids came home still nervous, and Mason is doing great. He seems very excited, and although it's only day 2, he is doing great so far with his organization!

Abbie is also having a great time. Both days, she has said things went well. She claims she's been a little bored, but that's just her personality. It takes a lot to get her to say anything except that she was bored. She has seemed happy when I've seen her.

I had a great first day, and a not so good second day. Yesterday, I was loving my job, and today I'm looking at for another one. I have a child I really worried about having, and he had a very hard afternoon. I'm worried. I'm worried about handling it the right way, and I want him to feel happy and be successful. Only time will tell I guess.....