My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. I really need to start running again. Really bad.

2. This week has been so crazy. Monday night- class and Mason's Back to School Night. Tonight- Abbie's choir followed by a parent meeting, and Mason's boy scouts. Tomorrow- Abbie's check up, class for me.
Thursday- Brownies. Friday- Nothing. Absolutely nothing and I can't wait.

3. I hate having to work full time, then come home and do laundry, dishes, and other housework. It's seriously two full time jobs.

4. If one more person asks me when we are having kids, I may explode. Do they not realize we have two already?!?! Isn't that enough? I know they mean well. I do understand that. It's just the sheer number of those that ask.

5. I'm going shooting this weekend. Never shot a gun before. I'm excited to learn. I'm going to be totally safe of course and learn from a pro in a safe environment. And no, I'll never have a gun in my house.

6. I wish Kerr's maternity leave would hurry up and end.

7. My kids are doing so great adjusting to school. I'm so proud of them.

8. My issue at school was a non-issue today. I needed that today. Thank you sweet child.

9. I want to dump out my closet and start all over again. In my dreams.

10. I can't stand Palin.

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