My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election 2008

Before you read (if anyone is reading)-
I have to warn you that this is about Barack Obama. If you don't like him, I'm sorry. You may not want to read any further. I certainly don't want to offend anyone. My hope is that we, as a country, can move on TOGETHER. I have certainly not always liked our presidents, but I have always respected them and tried my best to move on in a positive light. But, honestly, this campaign and election have changed me and changed my life, so I want to document how I feel.

This election was so amazing for me. I was literally so excited Monday night that I couldn't sleep. I wasn't feeling well, so I really needed to sleep, but everytime I did, I woke up wondering if it was time to go vote yet. I was so excited that after waiting for a few minutes in line to vote, they handed me my little card and I walked up to the booth. All I had to do was color in 3 bubbles. I picked up the pen and got ready to color in the bubble for Barack Obama, and I didn't want to do it! I just wanted to stand there and look at it on the card for awhile. I wish I could have whipped out my cell phone and taken a picture, and I almost did, but then I thought I may get kicked out of there without voting, and that would have destroyed me. I showed the card to Abbie and talked to her about what a huge deal this vote was. I'm sure the people behind me were thinking "HURRY UP" but it was important to me that she remember this moment for the rest of her life!

So, I casted my vote and we left. We had a little get together that night, and I have to say there were both McCain and Obama fans there, and the energy was so exciting. Everyone there was watching and cheering and talking about the future, and as dorky as it sounds, I felt hopeful for the first time in so long, since before 9/11.

I am so overwhelmed that we have such a well-educated, respected, Christian man and family going into the White House. He's no movie star, he's not cheating on his wife (that we know of), he's not just plain stupid.... he and his wife and children remind me of people that could live right here in my neighborhood and send their kiddos to my school and fit in just fine.

I am so excited about his views on education, NCLB, early intervention, health care, Iraq, taxes, our relationships with other countries, and our future in general. It was so cool to me to see people all over the world celebrating with and for us.

I watched his speech and sat there and cried. I'll admit it. My favorite parts:

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.
It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
We are, and always will be, the United States of America.

And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years... ... the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady...

Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.

As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.

I am so happy that people didn't just vote for him because of the color of his skin. I know there are people out there that did vote for him because of his skin, and there are people out there that voted for McCain simply because they couldn't vote for a black man. But the fact that he got more of the white vote, more of the asian vote, more of the hispanic vote, more of the young vote, more of the black vote.....speaks volumes. I am full of respect for John McCain, and 8 years ago, I would have voted for him, instead of voting for GWB like I did.... but now, the timing was wrong and it was time for a new chapter. I would be thrilled if McCain was offered a cabinet position.... we shall see I guess.

We are going to try and take the kids to the Inauguration. We really want them to write this down in their memory bank as a great time in their lives. I know going up there will make it more real. I just hope we can do it.


Jenny said...

SO many people are going to be there in January! Dave and I won't be there-though we wouldn't have gone regardless. Everyone says how historic this election has been and it's bothersome to me because everyone should always care about ANY election-they are all historic.

I'm still saddened by McCain's loss but am hopeful that Obama will prove me wrong-very wrong. My focuses for this election were abortion and taxes and also just an overall feel for the candidates experience and role in their families. I wanted a Christian leader who I felt could take us out of the mess we're currently in while also sticking to values that I hold dear. Obviously as a woman who experienced an unplanned pregnancy, I know first hand what it is like to feel uncertain and afraid of the future of bringing an unplanned child into the world. Though my situation was better than many, it still was scary and a huge shock. I look at my little boy now and thank God that David and I chose life for him and whether we kept him or not, someone would have wanted this beautiful, healthy, little boy. And as far as taxes... I have a very big problem with my father and husband's hard earned $ going to things that they choose NOT to give it to. My father climbed the corporate ladder from the very bottom to as high as he can possibly go in his field. I'm so very proud of him. I'm proud that he started out with basically nothing and paid his own way through college, worked his tail off to be something-never ever expecting others to pay / do for him.

Regardless, this is what it is and I'm happy to know that God is in control.

Susan said...

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. So few people take the time to really verbalize their views.
While I've never had an unplanned pregnancy, I have had scares before. I am anti-abortion for me, but I do realize that everyone has the right to make that decision for themselves, which is what he believes as well. He isn't pro-abortion, which is one of the many misconceptions out there about him.

My main issues were the economy, education (of course), and the war/defense. I really feel like we need to repair some of the relationships that have really been screwed up.

I understand your thoughts on taxes. I'm definitely not for handouts either, but even with GWB and the Republicans, you are always going to have those that refuse to help themselves. Obama definitely isn't about giving them anything, but rather about empowering people to help themselves, which I'm all for. My dad sounds a lot like your dad- started at the bottom at 17, and worked his way to the top. It's sad what our economy has done to them, and I hope it can be turned around before there is nothing left. I do believe that regardless of who won the election, it's going to get worse before it gets better.

I'm happy that he's a Christian, as I'm sure you are too. And I love that he is such a family man. I heard he was running behind today because he was at his daughters parent-teacher conference! Too funny!

Yeah, we probably won't get to get up close and personal like we'd like to do at the inauguration, but I think the energy is going to be so incredible regardless.

I do know how you feel-- I've voted for the one that didn't win before, and it's hard. I wish everyone could feel the hope that I feel, because I've never really felt it before. It's hard to just buck up and stand behind a president you don't like.

Anyway, thanks for responding, and I just wanted you to know that I respect your thoughts. They really aren't that different than mine when you split hairs. Love ya!