My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's a Wonderful Life

We went to see Mason's play again last night. (3rd time for me) I enjoyed it just as much last night as the first time I saw it. I love the part at the end when George is surrounded by friends as he kneels to pray about ending his life. He has gotten a glimpse of how life would have been different had he not been around. It was interesting to think about.

I know how much I personally would have missed out on- my kids, my husband, my friends, etc. But it's interesting to think how other people 's lives would be different. What if my mom had only had 3 kids instead of 4? Would the lives of my friends be any different? Interesting to think about.
On a completely different, and must lighter note, I seem to have misplaced a gift card. Not just any gift card mind you, but a really large one. I can't find it anywhere. It's completely stressing me out. Please send "I hope you find it" vibes my way.


Alexis Jacobs said...

I love that movie. Really makes one think.

Jenny said...

That's really cool-it is funny how things work out...there was a movie out years ago with Gwyneth Paltrow called Sliding Doors where you could see how her life would have been had she missed her train. It wasn't a great movie but it made me think...

I hope you find your g.c.! Yikes!

Kimmber said...

GREAT movie!!

Hope you find the gift card.

No blog on about the award???

(new blog for me, deleted old one.)

Jenny said...

where are you??? it's strange for you not to update here, fb or email me everything ok? i betcha tony took you away to celebrate after last week!