My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My son is in 6th grade, and we spent almost a hour tonight talking about colleges, his career choices, looking at websites of colleges, and talking about how important it is to get the best grades he can, make good choices, be a good citizen, and make sure he can live with the consequences of every one of his choices throughout high school!
(How's that for a long, run-on sentence??)

So, after our discussion, he has decided to look at (in no particular order):
Georgia Tech
Embry Riddle

I hope the boy gets some scholarships. I'm just sayin.........

Monday, March 23, 2009

An update on our chaos

I started to update, and sat here for a minute thinking "what can i say?". Life hasn't changed much from my last update, so I guess I'll just basically repeat the same stuff!
1. Annie is over.... it was soooo cute and the kids did an amazing job. I think Mason is happy for some down time, and I know I'd like some!

2. Abbie's play is this weekend. She has "tech week", AKA "Hell week" in adult circles because of the late night practices until they get it right. It's in Petersburg, 45 minutes away, so needless to say, it's a strain sometimes. But it will be so worth it! I'm so excited to see her on the stage. This will be her first play. I think she got jealous of big brother getting all the "acting" attention!

3. Tony's classes are underway and he is LOVING it. This is such a change because he really DID NOT enjoy his undergrad classes. He is really bonding with the guys in his group and is loving the learning! He talks about it all the time and I'm really seeing professional growth in him. I can't wait to see what professional opportunities this brings him. It all culminates with a international trip, and I've already told him I'm SOOO going with him! He amazes me how he gets up at 3 am everyday, goes to work in DC, gets home at 5:30 or so, and then manages to take Abbie to play practice.

4. I am LOVING my internship. I love teaching, but this stuff is just so exciting! I guess it's just so cool to me to be doing this stuff after 15 years in the classroom. I seriously love every bit of it, even the boring paperwork. It's a lot of work and it's very, very challenging mentally for me. I really feel challenged and it makes the day go by so quickly. Again, I'm very excited to see what the future holds for me professionally!

5. I am super excited about April being pregnant. I found out today if she is having a girl, she wants to name her Evelyn, which just makes me teary to think about.

6. And on a side note, I can't wait for spring break so I can deeeeeep clean my house. With all of the above going on, the house is getting cleaned, but not de-cluttered. Watch out kiddos and hubby- if you want to keep it, you better find a place for it, because I'm about to attack. Goodwill and AmVets are gonna love me.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What a great song....

I just found my all-time favorite Christian song on YouTube. I wasn't an AI follower last season, so I never knew they did this....but it's a great performance. This song was my "go to" song the entire time I was going through my cancer. I remember just going to the grocery store, to Target, or anywhere....just to be alone and blast this song in my car. It ALWAYS made me feel better......

Off to look for more.....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Finally Friday....

Why did this seem like such a long week, when I only worked 1 1/2 days? Seriously. Any teacher can tell you that half days feel longer than regular days. I guess that's what it was. I am plum worn out. Looking forward to dinner out tonight. It's a teacher from school's b'day and she asked us to join them for dinner.... it'll be nice to go somewhere different than we usually go and just relax.

Tomorrow, I'm getting my hair cut and highlighted. I always get nervous right before a haircut. Inevitably, I start to hate my hair, thus I make an appt. Then, right before the haircut, I start liking the way it looks or the way it's doing, and I have this appt that I feel compelled to keep. So, hopefully, it'll turn out well and I'll still like it afterwards. :-) I want to have the nerve to do something a little more drastic with the highlights- we shall see! If you don't see me for awhile, you'll know I hate it. :-)

I am so excited about the warm weather this weekend. The doctor told me this week that I have a Vitamin D defieciency. I think I just need some more sun time..... maybe I should go back to Hawaii. Couldn't hurt, right???

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My quiet spot....

We are on snow day number 2. They have been fun, relaxing, and have allowed me to get some closets cleaned out and tackle some tasks I probably wouldn't have until Spring Break! That being said, I'm a dork, and I'm bummed that I missed a few meetings and administration stuff that I was going to take care of yesterday and today. How sad is that????

I got up early this morning, fixed myself a cup of coffee, and sat in my living room, and looked out the window. Over the years, this has become my favorite spot to just "be". The small room is filled with furniture....I'm sure some decorator person would tell me it's too full.....and it is..... but I love it. Every piece in there was my mom's. Her formal sofa, her piano, her end tables, her chair, her coffee table, and her pictures. The sofa needs to be reupholstered to really "go" with the room, but I don't want to do it. It still sort of smells like her house, and it brings me great comfort and peace to sit there, and look out the window, and just be still. My mom's life was never "rush, rush"....she spent a lot of time just being, and looking out the window, talking to friends over coffee or over the phone, and talking to us kids. I feel more like her when I allow myself those moments. It's hard for me to do it for long periods of time because inevitably my husband or a child comes and joins me, but that's ok too. Still very peaceful. If my mom could sit there with me, it'd be perfect.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A long lost update

Ok, so I'm taking this technology class now, which I really hate. But it's online, which is good. I can't say that I've taken a lot from the class, other than what I already knew....there is tons of technology out there that I don't know anything about, and I don't use enough technology in my classroom. BUT, I did learn about Google Reader in class, and I LOVE IT. Instead of clicking through all the blogs I follow, I can just log into Reader and see at a glance which ones have updates. This is such a time-saver.

Anyway, I haven't updated lately because I've been so darn busy. I am sooooo loving my internship. I love all the meetings and all the face to face time with parents. I know I probably wouldn't love it if I did them all day every day, but for now, I really like it. What I don't love is giving up all of my planning times and time after school for the meetings, because I'm having to bring work home. But oh well....

Kids are busy. Abbie auditioned for a play and got 2 parts. The play is Anasi the Spider and it runs the weekend of March 27th at the Lee Playhouse at Ft Lee. It's an "all kids" production. Should be really cute. Mason is busy with Annie, and that runs the weekend of March 20 at Stonewall. Tony started his Masters program which meets every other Friday and Saturday. Luckily, we all thrive on business! (Well, Tony, not so much....but he is hanging in there!)

We are all so ready for Spring. Tony wants to work int he yard, and I'm ready to Spring clean-out the house! Abbie is going to play soccer and Mason just wants to be able to "hang out" with his friends outside. Aaahhh the joys of almost-teens!