My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My quiet spot....

We are on snow day number 2. They have been fun, relaxing, and have allowed me to get some closets cleaned out and tackle some tasks I probably wouldn't have until Spring Break! That being said, I'm a dork, and I'm bummed that I missed a few meetings and administration stuff that I was going to take care of yesterday and today. How sad is that????

I got up early this morning, fixed myself a cup of coffee, and sat in my living room, and looked out the window. Over the years, this has become my favorite spot to just "be". The small room is filled with furniture....I'm sure some decorator person would tell me it's too full.....and it is..... but I love it. Every piece in there was my mom's. Her formal sofa, her piano, her end tables, her chair, her coffee table, and her pictures. The sofa needs to be reupholstered to really "go" with the room, but I don't want to do it. It still sort of smells like her house, and it brings me great comfort and peace to sit there, and look out the window, and just be still. My mom's life was never "rush, rush"....she spent a lot of time just being, and looking out the window, talking to friends over coffee or over the phone, and talking to us kids. I feel more like her when I allow myself those moments. It's hard for me to do it for long periods of time because inevitably my husband or a child comes and joins me, but that's ok too. Still very peaceful. If my mom could sit there with me, it'd be perfect.


Jenny said...

I'm so glad you have that spot to just 'be' and think of your mom. I know she would be so proud of you.

BizzieLizzie said...

Awwww Susan - I loved reading this post. I had no idea you blogged and am so happy you came across mine to lead me to yours!!

Nothing better than reflecting on what means the most to us!!