My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Wedding Central

Oh my gosh I was so tired last night. But I felt so excited at the same time. We got so much wedding stuff done yesterday!

I met Kerr and Braden at 1:30. We picked out a flower girl dress for Braden. She looks so pretty in it. Then we got Kerr's dress fitted and ordered, which was a challenge considering her pregnant tummy! Hard to guess what size she'll be then, but if I know her, she'll be right back at whatever size it is she wants to be within no time.

Then, I met Tony over on the tux side, and he picked out his tuxes. So sweet. I had to deploy my womanly-ways to convince him not to use the Tiffany blue color in the vests or ties. He loves that color. I love it too....but not in a tux. Makes me think of junior prom or something. It was no help that the manager there seemed to like it. He ended up going with something much better.

Then, we left and went to the mall. I was exhausted at that point anyway- it was already 4:30 or so. We went to Firebirds, had a nice but quick dinner and a few drinks, and then, off to REGISTER! We went to Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel, and lastly, Macy's. By the time we got to Macy's, we were so hot and tired that I have no idea what all we picked. I'll probably need to go in and edit that one! :-) It was a lot of fun though. The last time I registered (a loooooooooooonnnnnng time ago) there was no had to write it all down on paper! The little scanner thing was fun! Tony controlled it, and I just picked out what I wanted. It was like a shopping spree....but free! And of course, we didn't get to take anything home! But I got my fix of retail therapy.

We came home, and I relaxed in a very full, hot bath. We watched a little tv, and went to sleep pretty early. I was exhausted and grumpy by bed time, but today I feel so good because we got so much done!!!

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