My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Weddings and snow

Wedding plans.... everytime someone asks me if we have been working on wedding plans, it stresses me out. We've done the "big stuff"- church, reception site, dj, food, photographer. But NONE of the small stuff. None. We keep saying we are going to do it. But we don't. Between kids, school, work, boy scouts, brownies, get the picture. My friend Zhan keeps telling me he is going to be my "coordinator" but his schedule is so busy at work that it's frustrating me. I want to be able to say "Hey, let's go Saturday and get this done", but with him, you have to schedule it out like a month or more ahead of time. So, needless to say, nothing has gotten done. I wish I was rich and could hire a coordinator that would just ask me what I want, and then go do it for me.

I've done this before. I know the wedding isn't what makes a marriage. Sure, I want it to be nice. I want it to be fun. But I won't lie.... I want it to be CHEAP. We are paying for this ourselves, and we are selfish...we want to go on a super nice, romantic honeymoon. We don't want to start our marriage in debt because of a party. But, on the flip side, we are blessed to have so many friends that have been so wonderfully supportive of our relationship, and I want them to come and have a great time. I want to thank them for all their love and support and give them a fun night to celebrate with us.

I am reallllllllllllllllllly hoping for a snow day tomorrow so I can spend some substantial time making phone calls and getting some ideas down on paper for this wedding. Note to self: sleep with pajamas inside out and backwards, say prayers for snow... watch the weather before going to bed..... set alarm early so I can lay in bed and listen for snow closings on the radio......

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Guess my snow dance and all your lil' hopeful gestures didn't work huh? Ugh...