My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Monday, May 19, 2008

50 things I love about Tony...

  1. I love his strong arms.
  2. I love that he loves my children as his own.
  3. I love when he gets me water at night.
  4. I love it when I catch his eye across a room in a crowd.
  5. I love it when he orders for me at dinner.
  6. I love how he insists on opening doors for me- the car, the house, whatever.
  7. I love it when he stops for Starbucks.
  8. I love his random text messages and emails.
  9. I love that he's insistent on what we dance to at the wedding.
  10. I love how involved he's wanted to be on everything.
  11. I love that he's romantic and mushy sometimes.
  12. I love his cologne.
  13. I love that he can't sleep without touching foot, my leg, whatever.
  14. I love that he tucks the kids in every night.
  15. I love what he has helped Mason become.
  16. I love that he acts like a kid sometimes.
  17. I love that he makes me laugh every single day.
  18. I love playing Phase 10 with him. (even though he hates that I win every time)
  19. I love sitting on the deck drinking wine and listening to music.
  20. I love that he will dance in the kitchen with me.
  21. I love his kisses.
  22. I love when he gets me a clean towel.
  23. I love that I'm the only girl he's ever taken home to mom.
  24. I love how planned out our engagement was.
  25. I love his Michael Jackson impression.
  26. I love singing in the car with him.
  27. I love going to clubs with him.
  28. I love that we love the same movies- When Harry Met Sally, 50 First Dates
  29. I love watching "our" shows together: Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, and yes, Rock of Love when it was on.
  30. I love that he loves my friends.
  31. I love that he is protective of me.
  32. I love that he gets "a little jealous" sometimes.
  33. I love when he scratches my back.
  34. I love that he loves my body, faults and all.
  35. I love that he likes doing homework with the kids.
  36. I love that he never forgets the anniversary of my breast cancer dx.
  37. I love watching football with him.
  38. I love hearing him talk about football....he really knows his stuff!
  39. I love watching him when he gets to hang out with Will.
  40. I love watching him interact with his brothers.
  41. I love the way his mom looks at him. You can tell she is so proud.
  42. I love his smell right out of the shower.
  43. I love it when he plays with my hair.
  44. I love how he looks when he dresses up, especially in a suit and tie.
  45. I love when he does chores. :-)
  46. I love when he comes to school to have lunch with me.
  47. I love it when he smiles.
  48. I love that he lets me cry whenever I am sad about my mom.
  49. I love that he doesn't let me cry when I'm stressed- he always talks me out of it or makes me realize things aren't so bad after all.
  50. I love that he lets me be who I am.


Jenny said...

He needs to see this---SO sweet!!!

Susan said...

Nah- his head would get big. ;-)