My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Crazy crazy busy....

Life lately has been so..... hectic and stressful.
1. The weekend away in DC was eye-opening in many ways. I won't elaborate here, but suffice to say there was some drama. It's all taken care of now, but it just wasn't fun for a little while. I loved being away though, relaxing, dancing a little- just being me instead of mom, bride-to-be, teacher, etc. A nice change of pace. I'm so excited about my own weekend in Philly. I can't wait to go back to where we were engaged. I just love that city. I have so many wonderful memories there.

2. My classes are killing me. They are both kind of boring, but I LOVE one of the professors, so I enjoy hearing her talk. The other is so boring, so dry, and the professor is just very....intense. The assignments are a pain in the you know what, and a complete waste of time. But, I still work really hard because I want an A. Come June 19th, this class will be done, and I can just concentrate on the one I like until July 28.

3. Wedding...I'm super super excited. The invites went out thursday, and I can't wait to start getting those little cards back. The invitations were simply beautiful if I do say so myself. I thought they were just perfect. We are down to just odds and ends to take care of. I'm just so excited. I wish it was next weekend. I can't wait to stand up there, in front of everyone, and pour my heart out. Don't get me wedding was really pretty the first time, but this time, I'm so much more sure of what I want and what I have in a partner. I'm also more confident, more outspoken, and I can't wait to publicly express how I feel about Tony. I hope it's just beautiful.

4. Tony started a new job this week. It's in DC, so he's getting up at 3 every morning, leaving the house at 3:40 AM to catch the vanshare at 4 am! He sleeps all the way up (2 hours) and then catches it back to Richmond about 3 pm. He's home by 5 or 5:30. He absolutely loves the job, and says he is "in his element". I still see a move for us in the future, although he says no- that he doesn't mind the commute. We will see I guess...only time (and money) will tell!

5. Mason's musical. It's been soooo much work for him. Twice a week, 2 hours each time. They performed Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday night, Friday night, and tonight. 5 performances. He danced (one of 4 boys chosen) a waltz with the sweet little girl he has a crush on. I swear, I've seen this dance probably 10 times now, and I get teary every.single.time I watch it, on video and in person! I am going to have to survive this upcoming week on xanax. He also sang a solo of "The Twist" and did such an amazing job. Now if I can just get thru graduation on Wednesday. It will definitely be a tear-fest for me. And that hall-walk on Thursday. Oh my gosh. I'm just going to be a puddle.

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