My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Saturday, August 30, 2008

2 more days?!?!

For real? Is that all that's left of summer? That just doesn't seem right. How can that be? I just got into "relax" mode a few weeks ago! Someone has been messing with the calendar.

It's been a busy, busy week. I've been back at work, which in some ways, has been nice. I always feel so productive. We are doing a few things very differently this year, and I'm excited about it. I like to constantly be analyzing what I'm doing, looking for a better way to do it. I guess it was the whole National Board process that did that to me. I'm changing my behavior system in my class, and we are all revamping the way we teach math. I really expect to see some major results. I hope I'm right.

I worked today for about 4 hours and got a lot done. It's amazing how much more I can get done on a Saturday than I can during the week. After that, I took the kiddos shopping. Whew. What a different experience that was than normal back to school shopping. For one, Mason actually has an opinion now about his clothes. He didn't complain about trying anything on, and he picked it all out himself. No more Gap and Target for him.... he's into Aeropostale and American Eagle now. And Abbie.... oh Lord.... help me. Children's Place is too "baby" now. She didn't mind Target and actually got a few things there. The rest came from Limited Too. Not that she got much-- she totally understands cost and realized she got a lot more from Target than she could at Limited Too. But still..... $40 for a skirt for her?? I don't think so. She settled for some basics from there. I know what she can ask PawPaw and Gramma Jean for for Christmas from now cards!

Tomorrow.... Tony INSISTS that I leave the house, all alone, and "do something for myself". I told him I don't have anything to do, and he insists that I "find something". Get a massage, go shopping, or just go get coffee somewhere.... he is a sweetheart. Insists that I've been working too hard and I need to let him hold things down and get away. Not sure yet what I'll do. (I was gonna take the kids to the pool!) Anyway, it's sweet all the same.

He's a keeper.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Middle school and American History

Tonight, Mason has his open house at Stonewall. I cannot believe that is possible. Where has the last 11 years gone? I know I need to step back and allow his this freedom. I swear, this is the hardest part of parenting I've experienced. Teach them everything, and then stand back and let go a little and see if they "got it". I'm going to be a mess No fun, for me at least.

I'm so excited about the DNC tonight. I know, I'm a dork. But, anyone that really knows me will tell you that my favorite American to read about, learn about, and teach about is Martin Luther King, Jr. What an amazing man. And tonight, Barack Obama will accept the DNC's nomination on the 45th anniversary of the "I have a dream" speech. I think it's so cool that history is being made, and I will be a part of it. I'm so honored to be driving the nomination that I not only believe in with my heart and soul, but the one that will make American history, even if he loses in the long run.

Nothing else much going on. I am pretty much ready for Open House tonight, not so much ready for school on Tuesday. That's another story.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A new school year....

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love They will know we are Christians by our love............

So we had our back to school faculty meeting this morning. It wasn't so bad. It was nice to see everyone, and my principal was very nice to announce to everyone that I got married this summer. We talked about safety, odds and ends, blood-borne know, all that good stuff.

Well, he ended our meeting by sharing that he heard the hymn "They will know we are Christians", which I've always loved, yesterday at church and it made him think. He said it reminded him of teachers and their students. He wanted to remind us of how important it is to make a good impression, and to let our parents know that we truly love and care about their children. They will have faith and confidence in us and support what we do if they know that we love their children. It was really a good message he delivered, much more eloquently than I can type. I've always felt that way. Especially when it comes to "that kid"....the one that drives you bonkers I try to remember that someone loves that kid, despite all of their issues, and it's important that I show to the parents that I will love them too, even though it's hard sometimes.

Anyway, I'm finding myself a little excited about the new school year. As much as I say I'd like to not have to go back, I think I'd be a little bored, unless I had an endless shopping budget, which isn't the case. :-) I want to start off being organized and prepared. That's my mission. Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I had a pretty good day, until this afternoon. I had someone cop an attitude with me and act just really shitty. Excuse my language, but there is no other way to describe it. It really made me sooo angry- so angry I had to excuse myself and get away from the situation, or I was going to really lose my temper. The thing is, this person will likely never apologize, and will see themselves as totally justified. Have you ever known someone like that? Someone that will never allow the words "I'm sorry" to cross their lips? It just infuriates me because I did nothing to deserve the treatment I got. I am staying totally clear of this person as long as I can because I'm so irritated. I get that everyone has stress in their life, or their job, or their homelife....but don't use that as an excuse to take it out on other people. Our paths should probably cross this weekend, but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen.

I met Michael and Scott for a beer tonight, and it was so refreshing to just be out. Tony worked late in DC, and won't be home for awhile unfortunately, but he told me today that he is off every Friday now, so that's exciting news! I'm sure I'll be jealous when I'm back at work and he's home sleeping in on Fridays! Payback for the summer I guess! :-)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm copying...

I'm copying Jenny because I loved her "100 things" post. I am going to post 50ish now because that's all I can think of!

1. I have an obsession with counting the letters in names. My name has 5 letters, and I wanted my kids names to have 5 letters too. Abigail had to become "Abbie" to fit my 5 letter rule.

2. My lucky number is 17.

3. I hate hair. Seriously. I gag cleaning out hair brushes or seeing it in sinks. In my food, forget it. I'm done.

4. I could never own a dog again, even though I grew up with several.

5. I miss my mom every day and sometimes, just for seconds, forget she's gone.

6. Although they love me, I don't think I'm what my inlaws imagined for their son.

7. I hate that I got married so young and never lived on my own.

8. I check my email and myspace probably 20 times a day.

9. I don't exercise enough.

10. I drink more frequently than I should.

11. I love getting pampered- massages, nails, name it.

12. I would love to have a housekeeper come every day.

13. I want to move, but don't want to pack.

14. I can't stand my neighbors for what they did to me.

15. I wish the above neighbors would apologize.

16. I love hearing my kids laugh.

17. I miss going to church.

18. My wedding was perfect.

19. I feel blessed to have the friends I have.

20. I wish my mom would come to me in my dreams.

21. I wish I made more money.

22. I have been to every state except Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine.

23. I've only been out of the country twice- both times to Jamaica.

24. I've been to a strip club, both male and female.

25. I got cancer at 29.

26. I've been cancer free for almost 8 years.

27. I've taught first grade for 14 years.

28. I have no grandparents.

29. I don't have a relationship with any aunts or uncles.

30. I love blue cheese.

31. I don't drink enough water, ever.

32. I wish every day I was skinnier.

33. My favorite book ever is "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb.

34. I always thought I'd have three kids- all boys.

35. I check on my kids 2-3 times every night.

36. I love Christmas day more than any other day, followed by my birthday.

37. I love football. Go Cowboys!

38. I wish Tony and I liked the same team. We'd have so much fun.

39. Tony and I have traveled together to Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas, and Orlando.

40. I do laundry every day.

41. I talk on my cell phone way too much.

42. I love Starbucks and want to work there some day.

43. I wish I had the courage to jump out of a plane.

44. I'm afraid of heights.

45. I love reality tv.

46. I love to give people gifts.

47. I stink at remembering peoples names.

48. I love the beach more than anywhere else.

49. I often buy stuff, then have buyers remorse and take it back.

50. I hate yard work.

51. I have lived in VA my whole life.

52. I went to Kindergarten in Bridgewater, VA and lived next door to a couple that was Mennonite. We drank Postem and made iced oatmeal cookies every week. Her name was Mary.

53. I teach in the same county I grew up going to school in.

54. My first job was at "Rave", now known as a "slut store". It was preppy back then.

55. My second job was at Bob-A-Lou's Music Zoo. I worked there for 9 years, selling CDs, Tshirts, cassettes.

56. I have caught probably 30 shoplifters.

57. I survived a car accident I probably shouldn't have.

58. I've only gotten one speeding ticket, in my neighborhood, at 6:15 in the morning, going 35 in a 25.

59. My favorite all time song is "I want you to want me" by Cheap Trick.

60. I graduated from Longwood University in 3.5 years, with honors.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to Meeeee!

Today is my birthday. 37 years old. Crazy, huh? I don't mind. In fact, I love my birthday. I love that I'm alive. I love that people guess my age at 27, and when I was 27, people thought I was older! I definitely feel younger now than I did then.

So, instead of New Year's resolutions, I thought I'd make birthday resolutions. Seems like a good time. Birthday, new husband, school starting....

1) Exercise! I was doing so well. And fell off the wagon. Football season is starting and that is our favorite time of year sports wise, so it will be a challenge. We both love Sundays with friends or at home, watching games, camping out at Bdubs, making pots of chili and munchies and wearing our jerseys and yelling for our teams. But, I have to do all of the above in moderation and get my fat butt or (phat butt as my husband would say) back in the gym or start pounding the pavement again.

2) Reading-- I love reading during the summer, and once school starts (my night classes- not my day job)-- I tend to not read. It is a huge stress reliever for me. I need to keep a book beside my bed and read at night for a few minutes.

3) Money- I'm taking over all of our finances and I have some definite goals where they are concerned. We are cutting back on eating out, paying off the wedding, and saving for the future.

4) Homework- I'm going to stay more on top of Abbie's homework and studying. I tend to stay on top of Mason b/c he needs it more, but I want to stay on top of hers too.

5) Family- I want to try to make a better effort to stay more connected with my sisters. Maybe even try to get out to Seattle to see Theresa.

Lofty goals..... wanna take bets on which ones I stick to and which ones i never even start?!?!?!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Well, we are all booked for another trip to Jamaica. I'm so excited. And it's a year away! So long! It's me and Tony, Kerr and Ronnie, Keene and Paul, Audra and Dave, and Ronnie's sister and her husband. Should be a really good time. Something to look forward to anyway.....

Today is the day my mom went into the hospital, 3 years ago. Seems like yesterday sometimes, and then other times it seems like forever ago. I found myself several times on the honeymoon doing something and it would flash into my head that I needed to call her. Then a second later, I would remember i CAN'T call her. Crazy how the brain works. I pulled out her wedding album the other day when i was putting some wedding stuff away. There were some really good pictures of her in there, and some of she and I together. I wish I had thought of displaying some of those at my wedding. Mason was already so emotional that day though....crying during our dance b/c he missed my mom and wished she was there....not sure he could have taken more pictures! He is such a sweet kid.

One more week of freedom....but it's so full of "stuff" to do already. I have probably 10 errands I need to run. I need to go to the school board office, meet with my team, go to the dentist, abbie has camp, I'll probably have some company at the end of the week, my birthday....lots and lots to do. Luckily I like being busy. :-)

And for my thankful for list today:
1) my precious kids
2) Nights like last night- warm, but breezy-- sittin on the back deck just hanging with my husband

3) new school supplies

4) good doctor visits

5) a clean house thanks to Georgia!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

thankful for today....

1. unlikely friends - friends you become friends with thru unusual circumstances

2. pinot grigio

3. my crackberry

4. quiet nights with the husband

5. new sheets

Water parks

Am I the only one who thinks they are gross?
Abbie is going here today for a b'day party. I just think water parks are so nasty. You know people pee in that water. It just totally grosses me out. I'm letting her go, but she will be going straight from there into the tub. Blech.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Birthdays, trips, and stuff to be thankful for

Spent most of the day today doing laundry- joy- and going through wedding presents. We got so many very thoughtful gifts, and cards. We are lucky to have such wonderful friends and family. It's nice to be able to see most of my living room floor again!

Now the countdown is on to my birthday! I love my birthday- everything about it. I love the cards, seeing the kids excited, of course the gifts....and just spending time with family and friends. Tony was going to be in Germany for work, but he rearranged his trip so he wouldn't miss my birthday b/c he knows it's my favorite day of the year next to Christmas! After he returns from Germany he is going to turn around and head to Japan.... I wish I could go! Too bad I have to work......

Not sure what we're going to do. Originally I thought he was going to be out of town. Kerr mentioned dinner with she, Keene, and Cyndee-- I think the three of them talked and felt bad he was going to be gone. Cristin said she may come down to see me so I wouldn't be alone. But I really would have been ok-- we would have just celebrated at a different time. I kinda wish we were doing our party again this year and combine it with my b'day-- but my house is a disaster zone. I should be folding the 4 loads of laundry lurking in my bedroom right now, but instead I'm sittin here rambling!

On a completely unrelated note, another blogger I read (Thanks Kimmber!) does a list every day of 5 things she is thankful for....and I decided today when I was feeling overwhelmed that I should do the same thing! So here's my Thankful list for today!

1) the yummy dinner I made tonight- it made my family happy! (London Broil on the grill, homemade mashed potatoes, and broccoli)

2) the quiet of my house right now

3) my husband who insists we are still on our honeymoon

4)My luggage being delivered to my house, safe and sound

5) Friends who worry about me for my birthday! :-)

Monday, August 11, 2008

We are home!

I don't know where to start, and when I started thinking about writing all of this down, I realized there is NO WAY I could put into words how perfectly everything went, from start to finish. It was truly magical. Tony and I have waited so long for our wedding day, and been through so much, and it was just such a wonderful, amazing day. The flowers, the cake, the music, time with everyone, the toasts....everything was so meaningful to me. Even the photographer told me it was the first wedding he's ever done where he got choked up behind the camera. He's such a sweetie.

When we were dancing our last dance, I stopped for a minute to take it all in. I'm so glad I did. I know (from experience) that you have to stop and take it in because it's over so fast. I looked around at all our friends and family and just everyone dancing and singing around us and I swear you could actually feel the love and support in the room. That picture will forever stay with me.

The honeymoon was also amazing. Sleeping in, going to breakfast, or breakfast in bed, lazy days at the pool and swim up bar, or just hanging out in the Caribbean waters. It was so amazing that we booked another trip for next August, the same week. Two other couples are going to go too, and I can't wait.

And I'm so happy to be Mrs. Susan Pereira.