My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm copying...

I'm copying Jenny because I loved her "100 things" post. I am going to post 50ish now because that's all I can think of!

1. I have an obsession with counting the letters in names. My name has 5 letters, and I wanted my kids names to have 5 letters too. Abigail had to become "Abbie" to fit my 5 letter rule.

2. My lucky number is 17.

3. I hate hair. Seriously. I gag cleaning out hair brushes or seeing it in sinks. In my food, forget it. I'm done.

4. I could never own a dog again, even though I grew up with several.

5. I miss my mom every day and sometimes, just for seconds, forget she's gone.

6. Although they love me, I don't think I'm what my inlaws imagined for their son.

7. I hate that I got married so young and never lived on my own.

8. I check my email and myspace probably 20 times a day.

9. I don't exercise enough.

10. I drink more frequently than I should.

11. I love getting pampered- massages, nails, name it.

12. I would love to have a housekeeper come every day.

13. I want to move, but don't want to pack.

14. I can't stand my neighbors for what they did to me.

15. I wish the above neighbors would apologize.

16. I love hearing my kids laugh.

17. I miss going to church.

18. My wedding was perfect.

19. I feel blessed to have the friends I have.

20. I wish my mom would come to me in my dreams.

21. I wish I made more money.

22. I have been to every state except Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine.

23. I've only been out of the country twice- both times to Jamaica.

24. I've been to a strip club, both male and female.

25. I got cancer at 29.

26. I've been cancer free for almost 8 years.

27. I've taught first grade for 14 years.

28. I have no grandparents.

29. I don't have a relationship with any aunts or uncles.

30. I love blue cheese.

31. I don't drink enough water, ever.

32. I wish every day I was skinnier.

33. My favorite book ever is "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb.

34. I always thought I'd have three kids- all boys.

35. I check on my kids 2-3 times every night.

36. I love Christmas day more than any other day, followed by my birthday.

37. I love football. Go Cowboys!

38. I wish Tony and I liked the same team. We'd have so much fun.

39. Tony and I have traveled together to Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas, and Orlando.

40. I do laundry every day.

41. I talk on my cell phone way too much.

42. I love Starbucks and want to work there some day.

43. I wish I had the courage to jump out of a plane.

44. I'm afraid of heights.

45. I love reality tv.

46. I love to give people gifts.

47. I stink at remembering peoples names.

48. I love the beach more than anywhere else.

49. I often buy stuff, then have buyers remorse and take it back.

50. I hate yard work.

51. I have lived in VA my whole life.

52. I went to Kindergarten in Bridgewater, VA and lived next door to a couple that was Mennonite. We drank Postem and made iced oatmeal cookies every week. Her name was Mary.

53. I teach in the same county I grew up going to school in.

54. My first job was at "Rave", now known as a "slut store". It was preppy back then.

55. My second job was at Bob-A-Lou's Music Zoo. I worked there for 9 years, selling CDs, Tshirts, cassettes.

56. I have caught probably 30 shoplifters.

57. I survived a car accident I probably shouldn't have.

58. I've only gotten one speeding ticket, in my neighborhood, at 6:15 in the morning, going 35 in a 25.

59. My favorite all time song is "I want you to want me" by Cheap Trick.

60. I graduated from Longwood University in 3.5 years, with honors.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That's awesome!!! I'm so glad you did this!