My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Friday, October 24, 2008

Time to relax!!

It's been CrAzY lately! Finally, a night with NOTHING to do, and a relaxing Saturday ahead too.

Let's see.... what's new....

Well, Mason is in a play at Ft Lee, "It's a Wonderful Life". It opens Halloween night, and runs almost up to Thanksgiving. He only has 4 lines, but he is so cute doing them. He had to cut his hair, which he willingly agreed to, as long as he could grow it back after the play. He insisted he didn't like the cut, until he went to school and the girl he has had a crush on forever said it was "cute". Now he likes it and thinks he'll leave it. Sigh. The power of another woman. hee hee
I can't wait to see the play. energizer bunny. Wants to get back into dancing and also into soccer. Not sure how we are going to fit that in with brownies and all the other activities, but we are going to try to do at least one of them. She is still into Hannah Montana and is very, very artsy. She broke it to me the other day that she thinks she "might like boys" when she is Mason's age as opposed to "waiting til she's 30" like I've always told her.

Tony is taking three classes online and still getting up at 3 am every day to go to work in DC. He is doing an amazing job, and just got a promotion to project manager. I'm super proud of him. These 3 classes are his last and he will graduate in December, we think. He has already gotten info on a grad program at UVA, and will probably go right into that.

NOT ME.... I am starting my internship in January and I should finish up my classes in June or July. I'm so ready! I have really enjoyed them all, except two, but I'm ready to be home a few nights a week instead of always going to class or doing school work. I think I'm almost ready to look into some AP jobs, not this year, but next. I can't believe I'm saying that because I really love the classroom, but I think I'm ready for some new challenges. Some of my friends are thinking of the doctoral program, and I'm sure I'll go to the interest meeting,but I want to think I'm almost done with school!

I'm so excited for this election. I can't wait to go vote. We want to have a little get together election night if we can get our act together, and Tony has already informed me that we are going to the Inauguration, no matter what. History in the making. I hate the idea of that crowd, but love the idea of taking the kids to experience it.

Nothing else going on really..... just settling into married life and continuing to get the house straight and organized more. We just got a new fridge and new Miele dishwasher, which I love, which is pretty pathetic. The fridge is soooo cool....french doors and freezer at the bottom. The dishwasher is pretty cool too, with a slide out tray for silverware instead of a basket. Tony actually picked it out...he saw it and had to have it. Too funny. Let's see how often he empties it!

I think that's it for now....nothing too exciting!


Alexis Jacobs said...

Things seem to be going well. Glad you are settling in. :)

Jenny said...

I miss you! Sounds like things are keeping you pretty busy-in a good way though. :0)