My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Sorry for no update. Honestly, sometimes I forget that anyone reads this!

Lots of exciting stuff going on!

First, I found the gift card. WHEW! Thank goodness! I am hopefully going to try to run out to Macy's today and use a little of it on the kids. Mason, poor child, has 2 pairs of jeans and about 4 shirts. Literally. He is growing so much I can't keep him in clothes. And he hates to shop. And he is starting to get picky. Put all of those factors together, and he doesn't get much. Ever. Add to that, I had to get him new shoes last weekend, and for the first time,he actually cared and wanted to participate in the process! No Target. We ended up at Foot Locker which I hadn't set foot in since..... maybe never..... and walked out with $94 tennis shoes! AAARRRGHHH!

Secondly, I won the REB award. I was completely shocked. Seriously. I was so nervous that night. I thought they were going to call us in alphabetical order, and I was the 2nd one called. I won the full amount. (They had said they may scale some of them back, and had asked me specifically about scaling mine back to about half.) I ended up winning enough money to do 9 nights in Honululu for the International Conference on Education, and almost 2 weeks in Disney World in July for the Kagan Summer Academy. We leave Dec 31 for Hawaii, and when we get back, I will start working on the other trip. The only "situation" we had was that I really wanted to take the kids to Hawaii with us, and Tony really didn't. He didn't think they are old enough to really appreciate it, and didn't think they should miss that much school. (They'd miss a week.) So, after much discussion, and a promise from him that we can go back and take them another time, we are going alone. A second honeymoon he calls it. I laughed- a second honeymoon? We've only been married not even 4 months- not sure we need that yet. But, regardless, we're excited. I have to go to the conference, which looks amazing, and he wants to golf. We are going to Pearl Harbor for sure, and the rest of the "free" time, we may just wander around.

Third.... I'm starting my internship hours, officially. I love it. I love looking at teaching "tasks" from a different angle. I'm not sure what, if anything, will come of this degree, but I'm excited about at least having another option.

I think that's about it. We are heading to DC today to see his parents, and go to a function at their church. We got a really cool hotel for the night, with an indoor pool, and the kids are super excited. Tomorrow we are going to some museums, and I want to pick up some Barack memorbilia while I'm up there. It's not looking too promising that we will be able to get tickets for the Inauguration, so we are going to take the kids to where it will be at least so they'll recognize it on tv.

Off to shower and start the day.....


Kimmber said...

congrats on the award!!!!

Kevin's cousin has a house in Fells Point Baltimore, she is renting out for the innaugaration. (sp?)

Alexis Jacobs said...

Congrats on winning the award!