My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My son is in 6th grade, and we spent almost a hour tonight talking about colleges, his career choices, looking at websites of colleges, and talking about how important it is to get the best grades he can, make good choices, be a good citizen, and make sure he can live with the consequences of every one of his choices throughout high school!
(How's that for a long, run-on sentence??)

So, after our discussion, he has decided to look at (in no particular order):
Georgia Tech
Embry Riddle

I hope the boy gets some scholarships. I'm just sayin.........


Jenny said...

WOW! That's wild. Dave almost went to GT, but VT was his 1st choice. He was / is crazy smart like Mason and was also labeled gifted. I have no doubts Mason will go really far in life. The kid is so smart and of course super cute. :0)

Alexis Jacobs said...

You have a very goal oriented son! I always tell my kids to aim for the stars. Maybe we need to set your son and my oldest DD up :)