My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Friday, March 6, 2009

Finally Friday....

Why did this seem like such a long week, when I only worked 1 1/2 days? Seriously. Any teacher can tell you that half days feel longer than regular days. I guess that's what it was. I am plum worn out. Looking forward to dinner out tonight. It's a teacher from school's b'day and she asked us to join them for dinner.... it'll be nice to go somewhere different than we usually go and just relax.

Tomorrow, I'm getting my hair cut and highlighted. I always get nervous right before a haircut. Inevitably, I start to hate my hair, thus I make an appt. Then, right before the haircut, I start liking the way it looks or the way it's doing, and I have this appt that I feel compelled to keep. So, hopefully, it'll turn out well and I'll still like it afterwards. :-) I want to have the nerve to do something a little more drastic with the highlights- we shall see! If you don't see me for awhile, you'll know I hate it. :-)

I am so excited about the warm weather this weekend. The doctor told me this week that I have a Vitamin D defieciency. I think I just need some more sun time..... maybe I should go back to Hawaii. Couldn't hurt, right???


Jenny said...

I think a trip to Hawaii sounds like just what the doctor ordered! Ha! Of course, I'd be happy to join you to make sure you get your daily dose of medicine. :0)

Alexis Jacobs said...

What you decide to do with your hair? Do tell!