My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A long lost update

Ok, so I'm taking this technology class now, which I really hate. But it's online, which is good. I can't say that I've taken a lot from the class, other than what I already knew....there is tons of technology out there that I don't know anything about, and I don't use enough technology in my classroom. BUT, I did learn about Google Reader in class, and I LOVE IT. Instead of clicking through all the blogs I follow, I can just log into Reader and see at a glance which ones have updates. This is such a time-saver.

Anyway, I haven't updated lately because I've been so darn busy. I am sooooo loving my internship. I love all the meetings and all the face to face time with parents. I know I probably wouldn't love it if I did them all day every day, but for now, I really like it. What I don't love is giving up all of my planning times and time after school for the meetings, because I'm having to bring work home. But oh well....

Kids are busy. Abbie auditioned for a play and got 2 parts. The play is Anasi the Spider and it runs the weekend of March 27th at the Lee Playhouse at Ft Lee. It's an "all kids" production. Should be really cute. Mason is busy with Annie, and that runs the weekend of March 20 at Stonewall. Tony started his Masters program which meets every other Friday and Saturday. Luckily, we all thrive on business! (Well, Tony, not so much....but he is hanging in there!)

We are all so ready for Spring. Tony wants to work int he yard, and I'm ready to Spring clean-out the house! Abbie is going to play soccer and Mason just wants to be able to "hang out" with his friends outside. Aaahhh the joys of almost-teens!

1 comment:

Alexis Jacobs said...

Sounds like things are going well! I LOVE Google Reader. It makes things such much easier and in half the time.