My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Birthdays, trips, and stuff to be thankful for

Spent most of the day today doing laundry- joy- and going through wedding presents. We got so many very thoughtful gifts, and cards. We are lucky to have such wonderful friends and family. It's nice to be able to see most of my living room floor again!

Now the countdown is on to my birthday! I love my birthday- everything about it. I love the cards, seeing the kids excited, of course the gifts....and just spending time with family and friends. Tony was going to be in Germany for work, but he rearranged his trip so he wouldn't miss my birthday b/c he knows it's my favorite day of the year next to Christmas! After he returns from Germany he is going to turn around and head to Japan.... I wish I could go! Too bad I have to work......

Not sure what we're going to do. Originally I thought he was going to be out of town. Kerr mentioned dinner with she, Keene, and Cyndee-- I think the three of them talked and felt bad he was going to be gone. Cristin said she may come down to see me so I wouldn't be alone. But I really would have been ok-- we would have just celebrated at a different time. I kinda wish we were doing our party again this year and combine it with my b'day-- but my house is a disaster zone. I should be folding the 4 loads of laundry lurking in my bedroom right now, but instead I'm sittin here rambling!

On a completely unrelated note, another blogger I read (Thanks Kimmber!) does a list every day of 5 things she is thankful for....and I decided today when I was feeling overwhelmed that I should do the same thing! So here's my Thankful list for today!

1) the yummy dinner I made tonight- it made my family happy! (London Broil on the grill, homemade mashed potatoes, and broccoli)

2) the quiet of my house right now

3) my husband who insists we are still on our honeymoon

4)My luggage being delivered to my house, safe and sound

5) Friends who worry about me for my birthday! :-)


Alexis Jacobs said...

Glad you are back and getting settled.

Jenny said...

Less than a week to go...YAY! :0)