My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School days

Well, my middle schooler has made it through a full "A" day and a full "B" day and has had great days both days! I'm so proud of him. He isn't nervous at all, at least that's what he says. I've talked to several parents who told me their kids came home still nervous, and Mason is doing great. He seems very excited, and although it's only day 2, he is doing great so far with his organization!

Abbie is also having a great time. Both days, she has said things went well. She claims she's been a little bored, but that's just her personality. It takes a lot to get her to say anything except that she was bored. She has seemed happy when I've seen her.

I had a great first day, and a not so good second day. Yesterday, I was loving my job, and today I'm looking at for another one. I have a child I really worried about having, and he had a very hard afternoon. I'm worried. I'm worried about handling it the right way, and I want him to feel happy and be successful. Only time will tell I guess.....


Jenny said...

Yikes! I hope things get better. SO happy things have gone well for your kiddos, especially Mason. It's so hard to believe he's in middle school!!!

Alexis Jacobs said...

I am glad your kids are settling in nicely. Hope your situation gets better, but overall it sounds like you will have a good year.