My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I went shopping today. I wanted to buy clothes. I've been trying to do this for weeks now. I can't find anything I like. Everything I do like costs waaaaay more than I'll spend on clothes for myself. However, I did manage to spend $200 on MAC makeup that I didn't even know I needed. I have been saying I wanted to try it for awhile, but still. Buyers remorse in overdrive. Most of that is going back. I was feeling pressured. I liked it all, and there it was ....all laying out on the counter. All shiny and new. And a line forming behind me of people waiting to get "made over". I just got it all. I figured I can decide later in the comfort of my own bathroom. :-)

Abbie got some cute stuff. She's really into shopping now, which is fun for me. The best part is she's pretty cost conscious. She picked up this one shirt today and told me she liked it. I liked it too, but I didn't like the $39.50 price tag. I said "Abbie! That shirt is $40!" and she made a scary face and said "It's not worth THAT!" and quickly put it down. My little bargain shopper. Perhaps I should have let her pick out my make up!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That's so cute! Uh-oh soon you guys will be sharing clothes! Oh, to have a girl...x