My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why do I watch Oprah?

So, my darling husband gets up at 3:30 for work. Yes, 3:30 AM. Love that man.
He must love us because why else would he get up at 3:30 in the morning to drive to DC for work everyday. But I digress....

So, I check the tv for a snow closing update. Nothing. But it's 3:30 in the morning. I go back to sleep and wake up at 6 to find out we have a 2 hour delay. YIPPEE!! I'm so freakin excited. I go turn off the kiddos alarm clocks, get back in bed, snuggle down under the comforter....and..... can't sleep. I'm too awake and excited. Great-- perfect quiet time to catch up on my Tivo. I turn on Oprah because Tony can't stand it and rolls his eyes when he is around and I'm watching it.

It's about teenagers with weight problems. Oh my goodness. I was bawling. Not just a few little tears. I was really crying. I feel so badly for these children. And the one girl says that not just kids pick on her, but her teachers. And it got me to thinking. How many people, including myself, make comments about fat kids, or fat adults. I should know from having a sister that was really overweight (until she had lapband surgery) that not every fat person is fat because of just eating too much. There is a pain there from goodness knows what....these kids shared some really painful, personal things, and it just broke my heart. Finally, with 15 minutes left in the show, I had to turn it off.

So, to those random strangers that are really overweight that I have made comments about or thought bad things about, I am really, really sorry. :-(

1 comment:

Kimmber said...

Kev has to get up at 3:30am as well. it's brutal.

Today we are in a 90 minute delay, I just did my own WooHoo and turned off the alarm clock.