My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wedding week!

Can I just tell you how much I love this man?? Good thing since I'm marrying him on Friday. We have had just the most amazing weekend. Friday was his birthday. We just went to Riverbound with Keene and Paul and the kids, and of course, Michael was there. Keene and Paul came back to the house with us and we sat out back and shared a bottle of wine, and talked about the wedding mostly. Saturday, Keene, Michael and I went shopping down in Williamsburg and Tony hung out with the kiddos and I got him a new bathing suit for the honeymoon. (He's so very into Tommy Bahama right Today we stayed at home all day and just hung out and watched tv and hung out with the kids. Everything is done. Life is good. Just waiting. I cannot wait to see him Friday waiting at the other end of the aisle. I can't wait to hear Dorsey say that we are married. I can't wait to kiss my husband. I can't wait to celebrate and dance and laugh with our friends and family. I can't wait to spend a romantic week away at Sandals- a whole entire place dedicated to romance and just being together. I remember the last time I was there thinking that one day I was going to come back there with someone that I wanted to be over the top romantic I get to do that. What more could a girl ask for??? I know....this kinda talk makes people wanna puke. But seriously.... I've waited so long, and while I've had so many blessings in my life, I've been through some pretty crappy stuff too. I'm so excited to start our new family together officially. I feel so very blessed. I really couldn't ask for anything else.

I do wish more than anything that my mom could be there. When she was literally lying on her deathbed, I remember she asked for Tony. My sisters and I were all gathered around her bed, and I got up and went to the waiting room to get him. She told him that she loved him, and he promised her he would take care of me. He got down on one knee, in her hospital room and proposed to me. That was 3 years ago, August 20. He kept his promise to her. I know that she will be there. It will take her being there to get me down the aisle without falling apart. Never in my life did I think I would be doing this without her, and it will be her spirit there that gets me through the day. I know she loves Tony, loves me, and blesses our union. She would be so happy.

I just want to savor the next few days, take it all in, write about it, think about it, and remember this feeling so i can recount it for years to come.


Jenny said...

awwww! i didn't know about the story of him proposing to you in front of your mom. that is so sweet. i know you will miss her terribly this weekend but i'm certain she WILL be there with you and so happy to see your dream come true!!!

Kimmber said...

So exciting. Everyone deserves happiness. You are right, your mom will be there.

Savor these next fews days and hold on to every moment of your wedding day!!

Alexis Jacobs said...

I can't believe the big day is finally here!

Tracey said...

I can't believe how close you are to the big day now! Savor those final moments before the big day and the wonderful memories that will follow. ((hug))