My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Saturday, July 5, 2008

One thing done...a million more to do

One of my parents nominated me for an REB award. While I was very honored, it meant a lot of work. Add to this, it's due while we are on our honeymoon, so I have to turn it in before the wedding. Basically, I could ask to go anywhere, do anything.... as long as it pertains to my teaching and will impact kids. Sounds like it'd be pretty easy, but you wouldn't believe how I have agonized over this. I wanted to pick somewhere to go that I've been dying to go to....Abu Dhabi for example, or Europe....but the more I read, I couldn't really find anything "educationally speaking" that would help me in the classroom.

SO...after much research, I wrote it today. I picked the "9th annual international conference on education" being held in January in Honolulu, Hawaii. I also added in 10 days of intense training on Kagan strategies being held in Disney World. The grant would only pay for me to go, but I thought we could save up for Tony and the kids to go as well. I'd have my airfare and hotel for all of us paid for anyway.

The bad news is that I have to turn this in very soon....but won't find out until November if I won. That sucks. And to make matters worse, anyone that knows me knows that I'm really not a fan of certain kinds of surprises. Like this. I have to go to a dinner. Dorsey will be there, Dr. Roberson will be there, the woman that nominated me will be there. None of us will know if I won until they call my name, or not. That stresses me out big time. At least if I lose, I still get $750 for being a finalist. I'm happy with that.

Anyway, it's done. All I have to do now is turn it in....and wait.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

WOW! Congratulations! That's awesome news...what an honor! You definitely have to keep me posted. :0)