My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

another long slooooooooooooow day

Well the days are still crawling by at a snails pace. What is up with that? Next week will fly in double time I'm sure.

Today I went to see Kim. Ouch. Why do we wax? I love it afterwards but man oh man I was hating it at the time. At least I won't have to think about it for a month or more.

Then, I went to the bank. Fun. All the money I don't have thanks to this wedding. Tony reassures me that "everything will be fine" when we get back and life gets back to normal. Our new "normal" is going to be going nowhere and doing nothing for quite awhile. I'm up for that REB award (which is unlikely that I'll win) and if I happen to win it, I'm going to Hawaii in January and I'd love to have the money for he and the kids to go too. Christmas will need to be waaaaay scaled back, but I think we can do it. If I don't win the big award, I'll still get $750 in cash which would be welcomed right about now!

Then, I went to talk to the wine guy at Kroger. I really like him and I talk to him enough that he knows my taste. He made a couple of suggestions and now it's up to Tony and Michael. They are going to take care of all that tomorrow night.

Then, Mason and I went to Target while Abbie is at a friends. Just kinda meandered around there. I love that place. Picked up odds and ends and managed to drop more money in there.
How does that happen?? All of a sudden, you go in for one thing and you end up with 10 things you needed and forgot you needed, right?

Going to the airport to pick up Cyndee later. Can't wait to see her. She's been in Orlando since last Wednesday.

Off to nap and maybe catch up on some TiVo.


Jenny said...

The days must be moving slowly and then your BIG day will probably fly! I've still gotta find a dress for it!

Kimmber said...

Thinking of you and Tony today Susan.

Hope your rehearsal was a blast.

Beautiful day for a wedding. Best Wishes & Congratulations!!!

Jenny said...

When you get back, check out my blog-YOU'VE been tagged and are a winner of..... Check it out! Love ya and can't wait to hear about your honeymoon!!!!