My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Our bachelor/bachelorette parties are this weekend! I'm so excited. I can't wait to get away and relax a little. We have some really fun things planned...or I should say, Cyndee has some fun things planned. She's done an amazing job staying on top of all this. I love Philly, and I'm excited about being there with just girls. Tony's weekend is this weekend too- in Myrtle Beach. I know he's going to have fun.... 3 rounds of golf in 3 days. Sounds like my own personal hell.

So I have this one friend that apparently bailed this morning, over email, to the organizer. Nothing to me at all. And nothing to the organizer until she emailed HER about it. I guess she would have just not let anyone know. It really bugs me. Not that we were all that close anyway, but people have tried to convince me about her, and I've always given her the benefit of the doubt. Why do I do that? everything is going to cost everyone else more money b/c we had already committed a certain number of people. Sometimes I think I'm this great judge of character, and other times, not so much.

The kids were in the paper Sunday for their lemonade stand. It was so cute. The reporter emailed me yesterday and said they are going to send me the original copy. Michael said he wants to hang it at the restaurant. I was so proud of them!!

Another busy day today.... I am going to take Mason to camp, go by Starbucks, and Kohls, and hallmark. Go to the bank. I need to do laundry. Clean up a little. Work on my paper....(the big one, due in just over a week, that I haven't even started!) Tonight I get to babysit Mackinley. Super excited about that!!!


Alexis Jacobs said...

Have a blast at your party! Can't wait to hear all the details.

Jenny said...

Hope y'all have a great time!