My Happy Lil Family

My Happy Lil Family

Monday, July 21, 2008

What a weekend!

I had soooo much fun at my bachelorette party! I am still so exhausted, but it was really really fun.

Thursday- What was supposed to be a 4 hour drive up turned into a 6-hour trip. Despite getting turned around looking for a bathroom and almost ending up in a game warden station that looked like it was out of Deliverance, we had a great time listening to music. We got settled about 8, and three of us went to South Street, had dinner, and went to a few bars. We got to see some very funny karaoke and my friends had a great time getting very ugly guys to come up to me. Thanks friends!

Friday- Three of us got up and worked out and ran. A real shock I know. We went for coffee, and then came back and got showered and went out to venture. We went shopping on Chestnut and Walnut and I bought a cute top and earrings for Friday night. We went to Tiffany and just looked at everything. We trekked in the heat to see the Liberty Bell, and then stopped at a bar on the way back for a few drinks. I got home to see that two friends had decorated our door with penis balloons, penis bubbles, and yellow caution tape. Hilarious!!! It was sooo funny. That afternoon we met up with some NY cops and went to a great bar with an ice luge and great music. We went back home and got all dolled up for our trip to "The Cave". It was..... interesting. LOL I won't elaborate except to say that I had a private dance and it was nothing I've ever experienced. I laughed so hard. The dancer was very, very hot in appearance and probably not very hot temperature-wise b/c of his lack of clothing. LOL

Saturday- Recovered from Friday, laid around, watched a movie.
Saturday night- The big night! After a rocky start, and dinner in a restaurant with no a/c, I was given a ride in a bmw covertible driven by a hottie to a club called McFaddens. We had an open bar there, and my oh-so-wonderful friends not only arranged for me to dance on a bartop, but also to get a body shot on the bar. Oh MY! Just what I wanted- my fat stomach exposed to the bar. Seriously- it was mild, and very fun. We got a comped bottle of champagne there and just had a blast. We left there and our 2nd limo of the night was there. (Our first was a complete disaster and the nasty driver ended up leaving us stranded at the restaurant.) This limo was fully stocked, and beautiful, and cold, and our driver was super nice. We went to a club called Cuba Libre and it was so fun to see the people dancing that actually knew how to dance salsa. My cutie pie ushers tried to teach me.... and ended up telling me to just dance how I wanted to. What can I say.... I'm not a salsa dancer. We had open bar there too- table service-- and somehow the 12 of us managed to go thru at least 4 bottles of Absolut.

We left there and went to the club next door- don't even know what it was called- but it was a hip hop club. We danced and danced until it was time to go home. Had a blast and was actually not that hung over the next day. I guess b/c of all the dancing.

I had such a blast dancing and partying. However, there was never a more welcome sight than my wonderful fiance waiting for me when I got home. I told him as much fun as i had, I couldn't wait to marry him. It was a great celebration and party for the end of being single, and a celebration of what's to come.


Alexis Jacobs said...

Sounds like the weekend was a blast! It won't be long now! You are in the final stretch girl :)

Kimmber said...

Sounds like a fabulous weekend!! What hotel did you end up staying in?

Not much longer now!

Susan said...

We stayed at the Sheraton Center City. Great location!