My Happy Lil Family

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
All cleaned up and ready to go.
I'm ready for some vitamins in the form of sunshine and warmth, and the sandy beach. And it doesn't hurt my feelings to miss some work in the process. Hee Hee......
Christmas is all done and cleaned up. I loved Christmas and I loved all the family time, but I'm always so ready to pack it up and vacuum! We had such a good time and the kids have been so good and fun.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful New Years, and don't forget to eat your black eyed peas and stewed tomatoes. :-)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Holiday music
Abbie sings a solo on the 2nd verse of "Go Tell It On the Mountain".
Mama's proud. :-)
Christmas spirit
Don't get me wrong. I love being "the mom". I love my kids with all my heart. But, tonight, as I laid in bed with Abbie, snuggling her, kissing her sweet little face, I thought about how much I, even at my age, would love to snuggle up with my mom. I would love to call her and make plans for tomorrow and Christmas day.
This year is going to be different for us. I'm dreading it in some ways, and in other ways, I'm very excited. We did Christmas with my dad and Jean on Sunday, and we will see Tony's parents on Saturday. I will see my sister tomorrow, and maybe late on Christmas day. But, Christmas morning, it will just be the four of us. Creme brulee french toast, Christmas music, mimosas for us and OJ for the kiddos. Presents, and just hunkering in for the day. It sounds wonderful, and I know it will be. I'm going non-traditional and making a huge pot of chili since we just finished up our T-giving leftovers and we had Christmas dinner on Sunday.
I know the kids are going to love everything Santa brings, and I can't wait to just hang out with them.
I just wish I didn't have to try so hard to get excited about Christmas. I know that morning it will come really easily, but right now, I'm having to work at it. :-( And I don't like feeling that way.....
Friday, December 19, 2008
life is good
Life is good.
We are home. The kids are making a Snoopy gingerbread house, which is very, very cute.
I'm making cookies.
Dinner is in the oven.
They don't go back to school for two full weeks.
I don't go back to work for three full weeks.
Could life be better??
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Finally, an update....
First off.... been kind of stressful. A good friend of mine was dating another good friend of mine. No! I did NOT set them up! Can you believe it?? Anyway.... it didn't work out, and I'm so sad. I know I need to let it go. I guess what makes it even harder was that they'd really make an awesome couple. One of them reallllly wants to make it work, and the odd thing is, they broke things off because of a COMPLETE misunderstanding. One of them is just being ridiculously stubborn.... grrr..... I'm still holding out hope, but it's looking doubtful.
Mason got a part in the SJMS play! I'm so excited for him. They are doing "ANNIE", one of my childhood favorites. He got the part of Drake, Daddy Warbuck's assistant. They start working on it in January. I'm so proud of my little actor!
We are all booked for Hawaii, and I'm working really hard on booking the second leg in Disney. I got the hotel booked. Tony and the kids can't come for the whole time, so we are trying to work that out- what part of the trip are they coming for, etc. I think I'm going to fly down alone (YIKES) and they'll come mid-trip and we'll all fly home together. We'll see. I feel guilty about going and leaving them here. I know I shouldn't- it's work stuff- and Tony does work stuff all the time. But I still feel badly.
What else is going on......
Well, we worked all weekend decorating the house. We had a great time and spent some well-needed and wanted family time together. I'm in the process of working on Christmas cards- trying to get one ordered- but I may not get to it. So, if you don't get one, don't take it personally. Just know that I didn't get my act together in time. :-)
gotta get moving- choir, school board meeting, and lots of work to do!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Abbie- No, not yet. I guess I will.
Me- What do you mean you "guess you will".
Abbie- I don't know. I really don't need anything.
I had the same conversation shortly after with Mason. I thought this was huge. Who has ever heard a kid say they don't need anything from Santa?!?!? I was impressed.
However, makes gift buying a little difficult.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Lots of exciting stuff going on!
First, I found the gift card. WHEW! Thank goodness! I am hopefully going to try to run out to Macy's today and use a little of it on the kids. Mason, poor child, has 2 pairs of jeans and about 4 shirts. Literally. He is growing so much I can't keep him in clothes. And he hates to shop. And he is starting to get picky. Put all of those factors together, and he doesn't get much. Ever. Add to that, I had to get him new shoes last weekend, and for the first time,he actually cared and wanted to participate in the process! No Target. We ended up at Foot Locker which I hadn't set foot in since..... maybe never..... and walked out with $94 tennis shoes! AAARRRGHHH!
Secondly, I won the REB award. I was completely shocked. Seriously. I was so nervous that night. I thought they were going to call us in alphabetical order, and I was the 2nd one called. I won the full amount. (They had said they may scale some of them back, and had asked me specifically about scaling mine back to about half.) I ended up winning enough money to do 9 nights in Honululu for the International Conference on Education, and almost 2 weeks in Disney World in July for the Kagan Summer Academy. We leave Dec 31 for Hawaii, and when we get back, I will start working on the other trip. The only "situation" we had was that I really wanted to take the kids to Hawaii with us, and Tony really didn't. He didn't think they are old enough to really appreciate it, and didn't think they should miss that much school. (They'd miss a week.) So, after much discussion, and a promise from him that we can go back and take them another time, we are going alone. A second honeymoon he calls it. I laughed- a second honeymoon? We've only been married not even 4 months- not sure we need that yet. But, regardless, we're excited. I have to go to the conference, which looks amazing, and he wants to golf. We are going to Pearl Harbor for sure, and the rest of the "free" time, we may just wander around.
Third.... I'm starting my internship hours, officially. I love it. I love looking at teaching "tasks" from a different angle. I'm not sure what, if anything, will come of this degree, but I'm excited about at least having another option.
I think that's about it. We are heading to DC today to see his parents, and go to a function at their church. We got a really cool hotel for the night, with an indoor pool, and the kids are super excited. Tomorrow we are going to some museums, and I want to pick up some Barack memorbilia while I'm up there. It's not looking too promising that we will be able to get tickets for the Inauguration, so we are going to take the kids to where it will be at least so they'll recognize it on tv.
Off to shower and start the day.....
Sunday, November 9, 2008
It's a Wonderful Life
I know how much I personally would have missed out on- my kids, my husband, my friends, etc. But it's interesting to think how other people 's lives would be different. What if my mom had only had 3 kids instead of 4? Would the lives of my friends be any different? Interesting to think about.
On a completely different, and must lighter note, I seem to have misplaced a gift card. Not just any gift card mind you, but a really large one. I can't find it anywhere. It's completely stressing me out. Please send "I hope you find it" vibes my way.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Election 2008
I have to warn you that this is about Barack Obama. If you don't like him, I'm sorry. You may not want to read any further. I certainly don't want to offend anyone. My hope is that we, as a country, can move on TOGETHER. I have certainly not always liked our presidents, but I have always respected them and tried my best to move on in a positive light. But, honestly, this campaign and election have changed me and changed my life, so I want to document how I feel.
This election was so amazing for me. I was literally so excited Monday night that I couldn't sleep. I wasn't feeling well, so I really needed to sleep, but everytime I did, I woke up wondering if it was time to go vote yet. I was so excited that after waiting for a few minutes in line to vote, they handed me my little card and I walked up to the booth. All I had to do was color in 3 bubbles. I picked up the pen and got ready to color in the bubble for Barack Obama, and I didn't want to do it! I just wanted to stand there and look at it on the card for awhile. I wish I could have whipped out my cell phone and taken a picture, and I almost did, but then I thought I may get kicked out of there without voting, and that would have destroyed me. I showed the card to Abbie and talked to her about what a huge deal this vote was. I'm sure the people behind me were thinking "HURRY UP" but it was important to me that she remember this moment for the rest of her life!
So, I casted my vote and we left. We had a little get together that night, and I have to say there were both McCain and Obama fans there, and the energy was so exciting. Everyone there was watching and cheering and talking about the future, and as dorky as it sounds, I felt hopeful for the first time in so long, since before 9/11.
I am so overwhelmed that we have such a well-educated, respected, Christian man and family going into the White House. He's no movie star, he's not cheating on his wife (that we know of), he's not just plain stupid.... he and his wife and children remind me of people that could live right here in my neighborhood and send their kiddos to my school and fit in just fine.
I am so excited about his views on education, NCLB, early intervention, health care, Iraq, taxes, our relationships with other countries, and our future in general. It was so cool to me to see people all over the world celebrating with and for us.
I watched his speech and sat there and cried. I'll admit it. My favorite parts:
It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.
It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
We are, and always will be, the United States of America.
And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years... ... the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady...
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.
As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.
I am so happy that people didn't just vote for him because of the color of his skin. I know there are people out there that did vote for him because of his skin, and there are people out there that voted for McCain simply because they couldn't vote for a black man. But the fact that he got more of the white vote, more of the asian vote, more of the hispanic vote, more of the young vote, more of the black vote.....speaks volumes. I am full of respect for John McCain, and 8 years ago, I would have voted for him, instead of voting for GWB like I did.... but now, the timing was wrong and it was time for a new chapter. I would be thrilled if McCain was offered a cabinet position.... we shall see I guess.
We are going to try and take the kids to the Inauguration. We really want them to write this down in their memory bank as a great time in their lives. I know going up there will make it more real. I just hope we can do it.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Time to relax!!
Let's see.... what's new....
Well, Mason is in a play at Ft Lee, "It's a Wonderful Life". It opens Halloween night, and runs almost up to Thanksgiving. He only has 4 lines, but he is so cute doing them. He had to cut his hair, which he willingly agreed to, as long as he could grow it back after the play. He insisted he didn't like the cut, until he went to school and the girl he has had a crush on forever said it was "cute". Now he likes it and thinks he'll leave it. Sigh. The power of another woman. hee hee
I can't wait to see the play. energizer bunny. Wants to get back into dancing and also into soccer. Not sure how we are going to fit that in with brownies and all the other activities, but we are going to try to do at least one of them. She is still into Hannah Montana and is very, very artsy. She broke it to me the other day that she thinks she "might like boys" when she is Mason's age as opposed to "waiting til she's 30" like I've always told her.
Tony is taking three classes online and still getting up at 3 am every day to go to work in DC. He is doing an amazing job, and just got a promotion to project manager. I'm super proud of him. These 3 classes are his last and he will graduate in December, we think. He has already gotten info on a grad program at UVA, and will probably go right into that.
NOT ME.... I am starting my internship in January and I should finish up my classes in June or July. I'm so ready! I have really enjoyed them all, except two, but I'm ready to be home a few nights a week instead of always going to class or doing school work. I think I'm almost ready to look into some AP jobs, not this year, but next. I can't believe I'm saying that because I really love the classroom, but I think I'm ready for some new challenges. Some of my friends are thinking of the doctoral program, and I'm sure I'll go to the interest meeting,but I want to think I'm almost done with school!
I'm so excited for this election. I can't wait to go vote. We want to have a little get together election night if we can get our act together, and Tony has already informed me that we are going to the Inauguration, no matter what. History in the making. I hate the idea of that crowd, but love the idea of taking the kids to experience it.
Nothing else going on really..... just settling into married life and continuing to get the house straight and organized more. We just got a new fridge and new Miele dishwasher, which I love, which is pretty pathetic. The fridge is soooo cool....french doors and freezer at the bottom. The dishwasher is pretty cool too, with a slide out tray for silverware instead of a basket. Tony actually picked it out...he saw it and had to have it. Too funny. Let's see how often he empties it!
I think that's it for now....nothing too exciting!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Breast cancer is a blessing
- Yes, it really is a blessing. Does it seem that way all the time? Hell no! But, in time, every single person I know that has been down this road has said the same thing. Here are just a few of the blessings I got from it.
- My dad found God, and was saved. I would do it all again for that result.
- I lost a friend that really wasn't a good friend to start with, but I thought she was. Friends that I was out of touch with really became my angels. You truly find out who are your true friends.
- I met so many wonderful people that I may have just had conversations with for an instant or a few moments, but they really changed my life.
- I got involved in the Young Survivor Coaliton at a time when I felt so alone and had no one to talk to. Talk about empowerment. Sitting amongst 500 women, all generally my age, really gave me hope about the future.
2. You learn very quickly that you can't be Superwoman like you strived to be before, but more importantly, you learn that you don't want to be anyway! Seriously, does it matter that your bed covers are perfectly straight all the time? Does it matter that your shoes are downstairs in the hall when you go to bed at night? (I say this because I used to not be able to sleep if I remembered that I left my shoes out. Weird, I know.) Does it matter if your kids eat boxed Chicken Nuggets and a can of corn from time to time instead of made from scratch meals? It doesn't. You don't have the time or energy to pull off Martha Stewart anymore, and after cancer, you realize that stuff really didn't matter.
3. I learned that I often overlooked small things that now I try really hard not to overlook.... a smile, a really pretty flower, the feel of the sun on my face. Sometimes it is perfectly ok to stop your life, lay down, and look at clouds in the sky.
4. Housework can wait. Friends, family, children, and having fun shouldn't.
5. Confession- I don't do self breast exams every month. I do them "now and then". However, I think everyone should know how to do them, and do them frequently.
6. You can't believe that all doctors are all knowing. Seriously. I've had many, many doctors over my years, and I can really only think of 2 that I would almost completely trust. You have to educate yourself about your hormones, your breasts, your choices. Don't believe for ONE SECOND that the dr is always right, or the insurance company is always right. If I believed my first dr, I'd be dead now. It's completely true. YOU know your body better than anyone, and God has given us an incredible gift called intuition. USE IT! Advocate for yourself. No one else will.
7. Educate yourself about MRIs of the breast, ultrasounds of the breast, mammogram and the different types. Ask questions.
8. Over 70% of women that get breast cancer have no family history. There is a false sense of security out there that if you don't have a history, you won't get it. Don't succumb to that.
9. In the same vein, don't live in fear either. Just live educated and aware.
10. If someone you know is going through breast cancer, don't worry about what you are going to say or do. Just ask "what can I do for you?" and don't let them say "Nothing". There is always something. They don't want to ask you. Offer to do laundry, get groceries, take their kids to do something really fun. If nothing else, stop by with some mindless magazines, a new movie, and some snacks. Keep doing it. They like it, even if they say they don't need it. Send a funny card. Offer to go to chemo with them. Get them some goodies to take the chemo nurses (our angels) Just don't look at them all sad and pitiful and look like you are going to cry. We do enough crying and being sad.
11. Recognize and celebrate with them their little milestones. One month in, 2 treatments to go, making it a week without being sick....whatever it is they have set as a goal.
12. And just on a personal note, when all the "pink" stuff comes out in October, it's really nice. I like a lot of it. But please, before you buy, look to see what (if any) of the proceeds are actually being donated. I won't buy it if it's not being donated. Some companies do 100%, some do 2%. I hate the idea of companies making a buck off of people who think they are buying something for a cause when it's not at all for the cause.
Whew...I'm long winded. But this is a topic I could go on and on and on about. I'll probably add more later. But, for now, I'm ignoring the 4 (yes, 4) overflowing baskets of laundry waiting to be folded in order to spend the rest of the day hanging out with my husband and watching football. I have my priorities straight. :-)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A good week!
My company left on Monday. We had such a great time, and it was so nice to slow down, hang out, and just relax. Of course, we did manage to go out and do a little booty-shakin on Saturday. That was tons of fun.
Sunday brought the dreadful Cowboys Redskins game. I do not know how that team does it....they could lose 10 games in a row, and the one game they are sure to win will be against US! BOOOO! Oh well..... we are going to kick them in the butt in DC. And next season, we are going to the new stadium to see them play! My hubby already promised! I can't wait.
Monday and Wednesday were "no break" days. Anyone who is a teacher or has been a teacher knows those days are twice as long as the others. Luckily my kids were really good. Last night, Tony and I took the kids to the fair. We had such a great time. No lines, and awesome weather. We had corn dogs, pizza, cheese fries, and of course, Tony had a huge turkey leg that made me want to puke! I love the fair, and I love fair food. We saw tons of animals, and just had a great time.
This weekend....should be a nice, slow weekend. Tony and I are going on a "date" while the kids are at their dad's. Not sure what it is going to be yet.... but I'm sure it will be fun!
Oh, and I almost forgot.... last week I had my interview for my REB award. I think it went really well. I don't think they will fund the whole thing, and I may not win at all....but I was happy with the interview. It was a great opportunity to really think, once again, about why I do what I do. Hurry up November 10th!!! If things go well, Tony and I could be going to Hawaii!! (It would only pay for me, but we've been planning on him going if I win....) His work trips to Japan and Germany will be the only thing that will hold him back from going. Hopefully the schedule will work out so that if I win, he can go. We may even try to take the kids, but I'm not saying anything to them just yet, just in case. It's a longshot that I'll even win.....
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Abbie got some cute stuff. She's really into shopping now, which is fun for me. The best part is she's pretty cost conscious. She picked up this one shirt today and told me she liked it. I liked it too, but I didn't like the $39.50 price tag. I said "Abbie! That shirt is $40!" and she made a scary face and said "It's not worth THAT!" and quickly put it down. My little bargain shopper. Perhaps I should have let her pick out my make up!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Regardless of who you are voting for....
Of course, the haters will rule it all out simply because of the speaker, but I can honestly say, if McCain held these beliefs, I'd say the same thing. As a public school teacher, I can't afford NOT to vote for Obama. I love his beliefs on early education and early intervention. I have a niece that simply can't afford preschool. I think sometimes we forget that everyone doesn't have that luxury, and they start out behind. I love that he wants to give a $4000 tax credit for kids to attend public colleges. Anyway, I could go on, but my daughter is downstairs, not eating her butterbeans, and I must go enforce the eating rules.... ha ha
Hey --
I just watched Barack Obama deliver a major speech on education, and he has a plan to bring real change to our schools and our nation.
Watch Barack's speech on education and share it with your friends:
Just call me Annie Oakley...
Check one more thing off......
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Random Thoughts
2. This week has been so crazy. Monday night- class and Mason's Back to School Night. Tonight- Abbie's choir followed by a parent meeting, and Mason's boy scouts. Tomorrow- Abbie's check up, class for me.
Thursday- Brownies. Friday- Nothing. Absolutely nothing and I can't wait.
3. I hate having to work full time, then come home and do laundry, dishes, and other housework. It's seriously two full time jobs.
4. If one more person asks me when we are having kids, I may explode. Do they not realize we have two already?!?! Isn't that enough? I know they mean well. I do understand that. It's just the sheer number of those that ask.
5. I'm going shooting this weekend. Never shot a gun before. I'm excited to learn. I'm going to be totally safe of course and learn from a pro in a safe environment. And no, I'll never have a gun in my house.
6. I wish Kerr's maternity leave would hurry up and end.
7. My kids are doing so great adjusting to school. I'm so proud of them.
8. My issue at school was a non-issue today. I needed that today. Thank you sweet child.
9. I want to dump out my closet and start all over again. In my dreams.
10. I can't stand Palin.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
School days
Abbie is also having a great time. Both days, she has said things went well. She claims she's been a little bored, but that's just her personality. It takes a lot to get her to say anything except that she was bored. She has seemed happy when I've seen her.
I had a great first day, and a not so good second day. Yesterday, I was loving my job, and today I'm looking at for another one. I have a child I really worried about having, and he had a very hard afternoon. I'm worried. I'm worried about handling it the right way, and I want him to feel happy and be successful. Only time will tell I guess.....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
2 more days?!?!
It's been a busy, busy week. I've been back at work, which in some ways, has been nice. I always feel so productive. We are doing a few things very differently this year, and I'm excited about it. I like to constantly be analyzing what I'm doing, looking for a better way to do it. I guess it was the whole National Board process that did that to me. I'm changing my behavior system in my class, and we are all revamping the way we teach math. I really expect to see some major results. I hope I'm right.
I worked today for about 4 hours and got a lot done. It's amazing how much more I can get done on a Saturday than I can during the week. After that, I took the kiddos shopping. Whew. What a different experience that was than normal back to school shopping. For one, Mason actually has an opinion now about his clothes. He didn't complain about trying anything on, and he picked it all out himself. No more Gap and Target for him.... he's into Aeropostale and American Eagle now. And Abbie.... oh Lord.... help me. Children's Place is too "baby" now. She didn't mind Target and actually got a few things there. The rest came from Limited Too. Not that she got much-- she totally understands cost and realized she got a lot more from Target than she could at Limited Too. But still..... $40 for a skirt for her?? I don't think so. She settled for some basics from there. I know what she can ask PawPaw and Gramma Jean for for Christmas from now cards!
Tomorrow.... Tony INSISTS that I leave the house, all alone, and "do something for myself". I told him I don't have anything to do, and he insists that I "find something". Get a massage, go shopping, or just go get coffee somewhere.... he is a sweetheart. Insists that I've been working too hard and I need to let him hold things down and get away. Not sure yet what I'll do. (I was gonna take the kids to the pool!) Anyway, it's sweet all the same.
He's a keeper.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Middle school and American History
I'm so excited about the DNC tonight. I know, I'm a dork. But, anyone that really knows me will tell you that my favorite American to read about, learn about, and teach about is Martin Luther King, Jr. What an amazing man. And tonight, Barack Obama will accept the DNC's nomination on the 45th anniversary of the "I have a dream" speech. I think it's so cool that history is being made, and I will be a part of it. I'm so honored to be driving the nomination that I not only believe in with my heart and soul, but the one that will make American history, even if he loses in the long run.
Nothing else much going on. I am pretty much ready for Open House tonight, not so much ready for school on Tuesday. That's another story.
Monday, August 25, 2008
A new school year....
So we had our back to school faculty meeting this morning. It wasn't so bad. It was nice to see everyone, and my principal was very nice to announce to everyone that I got married this summer. We talked about safety, odds and ends, blood-borne know, all that good stuff.
Well, he ended our meeting by sharing that he heard the hymn "They will know we are Christians", which I've always loved, yesterday at church and it made him think. He said it reminded him of teachers and their students. He wanted to remind us of how important it is to make a good impression, and to let our parents know that we truly love and care about their children. They will have faith and confidence in us and support what we do if they know that we love their children. It was really a good message he delivered, much more eloquently than I can type. I've always felt that way. Especially when it comes to "that kid"....the one that drives you bonkers I try to remember that someone loves that kid, despite all of their issues, and it's important that I show to the parents that I will love them too, even though it's hard sometimes.
Anyway, I'm finding myself a little excited about the new school year. As much as I say I'd like to not have to go back, I think I'd be a little bored, unless I had an endless shopping budget, which isn't the case. :-) I want to start off being organized and prepared. That's my mission. Wish me luck.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I met Michael and Scott for a beer tonight, and it was so refreshing to just be out. Tony worked late in DC, and won't be home for awhile unfortunately, but he told me today that he is off every Friday now, so that's exciting news! I'm sure I'll be jealous when I'm back at work and he's home sleeping in on Fridays! Payback for the summer I guess! :-)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I'm copying...
1. I have an obsession with counting the letters in names. My name has 5 letters, and I wanted my kids names to have 5 letters too. Abigail had to become "Abbie" to fit my 5 letter rule.
2. My lucky number is 17.
3. I hate hair. Seriously. I gag cleaning out hair brushes or seeing it in sinks. In my food, forget it. I'm done.
4. I could never own a dog again, even though I grew up with several.
5. I miss my mom every day and sometimes, just for seconds, forget she's gone.
6. Although they love me, I don't think I'm what my inlaws imagined for their son.
7. I hate that I got married so young and never lived on my own.
8. I check my email and myspace probably 20 times a day.
9. I don't exercise enough.
10. I drink more frequently than I should.
11. I love getting pampered- massages, nails, name it.
12. I would love to have a housekeeper come every day.
13. I want to move, but don't want to pack.
14. I can't stand my neighbors for what they did to me.
15. I wish the above neighbors would apologize.
16. I love hearing my kids laugh.
17. I miss going to church.
18. My wedding was perfect.
19. I feel blessed to have the friends I have.
20. I wish my mom would come to me in my dreams.
21. I wish I made more money.
22. I have been to every state except Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine.
23. I've only been out of the country twice- both times to Jamaica.
24. I've been to a strip club, both male and female.
25. I got cancer at 29.
26. I've been cancer free for almost 8 years.
27. I've taught first grade for 14 years.
28. I have no grandparents.
29. I don't have a relationship with any aunts or uncles.
30. I love blue cheese.
31. I don't drink enough water, ever.
32. I wish every day I was skinnier.
33. My favorite book ever is "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb.
34. I always thought I'd have three kids- all boys.
35. I check on my kids 2-3 times every night.
36. I love Christmas day more than any other day, followed by my birthday.
37. I love football. Go Cowboys!
38. I wish Tony and I liked the same team. We'd have so much fun.
39. Tony and I have traveled together to Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas, and Orlando.
40. I do laundry every day.
41. I talk on my cell phone way too much.
42. I love Starbucks and want to work there some day.
43. I wish I had the courage to jump out of a plane.
44. I'm afraid of heights.
45. I love reality tv.
46. I love to give people gifts.
47. I stink at remembering peoples names.
48. I love the beach more than anywhere else.
49. I often buy stuff, then have buyers remorse and take it back.
50. I hate yard work.
51. I have lived in VA my whole life.
52. I went to Kindergarten in Bridgewater, VA and lived next door to a couple that was Mennonite. We drank Postem and made iced oatmeal cookies every week. Her name was Mary.
53. I teach in the same county I grew up going to school in.
54. My first job was at "Rave", now known as a "slut store". It was preppy back then.
55. My second job was at Bob-A-Lou's Music Zoo. I worked there for 9 years, selling CDs, Tshirts, cassettes.
56. I have caught probably 30 shoplifters.
57. I survived a car accident I probably shouldn't have.
58. I've only gotten one speeding ticket, in my neighborhood, at 6:15 in the morning, going 35 in a 25.
59. My favorite all time song is "I want you to want me" by Cheap Trick.
60. I graduated from Longwood University in 3.5 years, with honors.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Happy Birthday to Meeeee!
So, instead of New Year's resolutions, I thought I'd make birthday resolutions. Seems like a good time. Birthday, new husband, school starting....
1) Exercise! I was doing so well. And fell off the wagon. Football season is starting and that is our favorite time of year sports wise, so it will be a challenge. We both love Sundays with friends or at home, watching games, camping out at Bdubs, making pots of chili and munchies and wearing our jerseys and yelling for our teams. But, I have to do all of the above in moderation and get my fat butt or (phat butt as my husband would say) back in the gym or start pounding the pavement again.
2) Reading-- I love reading during the summer, and once school starts (my night classes- not my day job)-- I tend to not read. It is a huge stress reliever for me. I need to keep a book beside my bed and read at night for a few minutes.
3) Money- I'm taking over all of our finances and I have some definite goals where they are concerned. We are cutting back on eating out, paying off the wedding, and saving for the future.
4) Homework- I'm going to stay more on top of Abbie's homework and studying. I tend to stay on top of Mason b/c he needs it more, but I want to stay on top of hers too.
5) Family- I want to try to make a better effort to stay more connected with my sisters. Maybe even try to get out to Seattle to see Theresa.
Lofty goals..... wanna take bets on which ones I stick to and which ones i never even start?!?!?!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Today is the day my mom went into the hospital, 3 years ago. Seems like yesterday sometimes, and then other times it seems like forever ago. I found myself several times on the honeymoon doing something and it would flash into my head that I needed to call her. Then a second later, I would remember i CAN'T call her. Crazy how the brain works. I pulled out her wedding album the other day when i was putting some wedding stuff away. There were some really good pictures of her in there, and some of she and I together. I wish I had thought of displaying some of those at my wedding. Mason was already so emotional that day though....crying during our dance b/c he missed my mom and wished she was there....not sure he could have taken more pictures! He is such a sweet kid.
One more week of freedom....but it's so full of "stuff" to do already. I have probably 10 errands I need to run. I need to go to the school board office, meet with my team, go to the dentist, abbie has camp, I'll probably have some company at the end of the week, my birthday....lots and lots to do. Luckily I like being busy. :-)
And for my thankful for list today:
1) my precious kids
2) Nights like last night- warm, but breezy-- sittin on the back deck just hanging with my husband
3) new school supplies
4) good doctor visits
5) a clean house thanks to Georgia!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
thankful for today....
2. pinot grigio
3. my crackberry
4. quiet nights with the husband
5. new sheets
Water parks
Abbie is going here today for a b'day party. I just think water parks are so nasty. You know people pee in that water. It just totally grosses me out. I'm letting her go, but she will be going straight from there into the tub. Blech.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Birthdays, trips, and stuff to be thankful for
Now the countdown is on to my birthday! I love my birthday- everything about it. I love the cards, seeing the kids excited, of course the gifts....and just spending time with family and friends. Tony was going to be in Germany for work, but he rearranged his trip so he wouldn't miss my birthday b/c he knows it's my favorite day of the year next to Christmas! After he returns from Germany he is going to turn around and head to Japan.... I wish I could go! Too bad I have to work......
Not sure what we're going to do. Originally I thought he was going to be out of town. Kerr mentioned dinner with she, Keene, and Cyndee-- I think the three of them talked and felt bad he was going to be gone. Cristin said she may come down to see me so I wouldn't be alone. But I really would have been ok-- we would have just celebrated at a different time. I kinda wish we were doing our party again this year and combine it with my b'day-- but my house is a disaster zone. I should be folding the 4 loads of laundry lurking in my bedroom right now, but instead I'm sittin here rambling!
On a completely unrelated note, another blogger I read (Thanks Kimmber!) does a list every day of 5 things she is thankful for....and I decided today when I was feeling overwhelmed that I should do the same thing! So here's my Thankful list for today!
1) the yummy dinner I made tonight- it made my family happy! (London Broil on the grill, homemade mashed potatoes, and broccoli)
2) the quiet of my house right now
3) my husband who insists we are still on our honeymoon
4)My luggage being delivered to my house, safe and sound
5) Friends who worry about me for my birthday! :-)
Monday, August 11, 2008
We are home!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
another long slooooooooooooow day
Today I went to see Kim. Ouch. Why do we wax? I love it afterwards but man oh man I was hating it at the time. At least I won't have to think about it for a month or more.
Then, I went to the bank. Fun. All the money I don't have thanks to this wedding. Tony reassures me that "everything will be fine" when we get back and life gets back to normal. Our new "normal" is going to be going nowhere and doing nothing for quite awhile. I'm up for that REB award (which is unlikely that I'll win) and if I happen to win it, I'm going to Hawaii in January and I'd love to have the money for he and the kids to go too. Christmas will need to be waaaaay scaled back, but I think we can do it. If I don't win the big award, I'll still get $750 in cash which would be welcomed right about now!
Then, I went to talk to the wine guy at Kroger. I really like him and I talk to him enough that he knows my taste. He made a couple of suggestions and now it's up to Tony and Michael. They are going to take care of all that tomorrow night.
Then, Mason and I went to Target while Abbie is at a friends. Just kinda meandered around there. I love that place. Picked up odds and ends and managed to drop more money in there.
How does that happen?? All of a sudden, you go in for one thing and you end up with 10 things you needed and forgot you needed, right?
Going to the airport to pick up Cyndee later. Can't wait to see her. She's been in Orlando since last Wednesday.
Off to nap and maybe catch up on some TiVo.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thanks, Jenny!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wedding week!
I do wish more than anything that my mom could be there. When she was literally lying on her deathbed, I remember she asked for Tony. My sisters and I were all gathered around her bed, and I got up and went to the waiting room to get him. She told him that she loved him, and he promised her he would take care of me. He got down on one knee, in her hospital room and proposed to me. That was 3 years ago, August 20. He kept his promise to her. I know that she will be there. It will take her being there to get me down the aisle without falling apart. Never in my life did I think I would be doing this without her, and it will be her spirit there that gets me through the day. I know she loves Tony, loves me, and blesses our union. She would be so happy.
I just want to savor the next few days, take it all in, write about it, think about it, and remember this feeling so i can recount it for years to come.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Could it be?
I'm on the hunt for an ivory or white-ish formal purse. I think that may be my last thing. I need to get abbie and mason something to wear to the rehearsal dinner. I need to get on that asap b/c I know he is going to be hard to fit.
Getting hair cut and highlighted today.
Hitting the eye dr on Friday.
Working on my final exam that's due monday.
Straightening the house up so we don't leave it a disaster.
Making piles of what needs to go where for the rehearsal, reception, wedding.....
It's coming together nicely.
Monday, July 21, 2008
What a weekend!
Thursday- What was supposed to be a 4 hour drive up turned into a 6-hour trip. Despite getting turned around looking for a bathroom and almost ending up in a game warden station that looked like it was out of Deliverance, we had a great time listening to music. We got settled about 8, and three of us went to South Street, had dinner, and went to a few bars. We got to see some very funny karaoke and my friends had a great time getting very ugly guys to come up to me. Thanks friends!
Friday- Three of us got up and worked out and ran. A real shock I know. We went for coffee, and then came back and got showered and went out to venture. We went shopping on Chestnut and Walnut and I bought a cute top and earrings for Friday night. We went to Tiffany and just looked at everything. We trekked in the heat to see the Liberty Bell, and then stopped at a bar on the way back for a few drinks. I got home to see that two friends had decorated our door with penis balloons, penis bubbles, and yellow caution tape. Hilarious!!! It was sooo funny. That afternoon we met up with some NY cops and went to a great bar with an ice luge and great music. We went back home and got all dolled up for our trip to "The Cave". It was..... interesting. LOL I won't elaborate except to say that I had a private dance and it was nothing I've ever experienced. I laughed so hard. The dancer was very, very hot in appearance and probably not very hot temperature-wise b/c of his lack of clothing. LOL
Saturday- Recovered from Friday, laid around, watched a movie.
Saturday night- The big night! After a rocky start, and dinner in a restaurant with no a/c, I was given a ride in a bmw covertible driven by a hottie to a club called McFaddens. We had an open bar there, and my oh-so-wonderful friends not only arranged for me to dance on a bartop, but also to get a body shot on the bar. Oh MY! Just what I wanted- my fat stomach exposed to the bar. Seriously- it was mild, and very fun. We got a comped bottle of champagne there and just had a blast. We left there and our 2nd limo of the night was there. (Our first was a complete disaster and the nasty driver ended up leaving us stranded at the restaurant.) This limo was fully stocked, and beautiful, and cold, and our driver was super nice. We went to a club called Cuba Libre and it was so fun to see the people dancing that actually knew how to dance salsa. My cutie pie ushers tried to teach me.... and ended up telling me to just dance how I wanted to. What can I say.... I'm not a salsa dancer. We had open bar there too- table service-- and somehow the 12 of us managed to go thru at least 4 bottles of Absolut.
We left there and went to the club next door- don't even know what it was called- but it was a hip hop club. We danced and danced until it was time to go home. Had a blast and was actually not that hung over the next day. I guess b/c of all the dancing.
I had such a blast dancing and partying. However, there was never a more welcome sight than my wonderful fiance waiting for me when I got home. I told him as much fun as i had, I couldn't wait to marry him. It was a great celebration and party for the end of being single, and a celebration of what's to come.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So I have this one friend that apparently bailed this morning, over email, to the organizer. Nothing to me at all. And nothing to the organizer until she emailed HER about it. I guess she would have just not let anyone know. It really bugs me. Not that we were all that close anyway, but people have tried to convince me about her, and I've always given her the benefit of the doubt. Why do I do that? everything is going to cost everyone else more money b/c we had already committed a certain number of people. Sometimes I think I'm this great judge of character, and other times, not so much.
The kids were in the paper Sunday for their lemonade stand. It was so cute. The reporter emailed me yesterday and said they are going to send me the original copy. Michael said he wants to hang it at the restaurant. I was so proud of them!!
Another busy day today.... I am going to take Mason to camp, go by Starbucks, and Kohls, and hallmark. Go to the bank. I need to do laundry. Clean up a little. Work on my paper....(the big one, due in just over a week, that I haven't even started!) Tonight I get to babysit Mackinley. Super excited about that!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Eight years ago...
I made that awhile back for my girl. I can't believe that EIGHT years ago today I was at the hospital, holding my sweet, tiny baby girl. So happy she made me. She still does. I was in the car today, taking her to her birthday party at All Fired Up. Hannah Montana was blaring and she and her friend were singing along. It was the best sound I've heard in a long time. Tony and I just sat there, holding hands, both smiling and trying to listen without her really knowing. She has the prettiest voice, and just makes me warm and smiley just looking at her.
Happy Birthday sweet girl!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Am I going to look like an idiot?
1. I feel more comfortable with a man marrying us. All of the religious figureheads in my life have always been men. I know and appreciate that women can do it too, but I just personally prefer a woman, right or wrong. (She let me know that was wrong, btw.)
2. I wanted someone that has my religious beliefs. Even though we don't go to church every Sunday, I pray to God every single day. I am deeply driven by my faith in God. I know to most, I don't have the bible-toting, bible-verse quoting appearance....because I don't. But my faith is what gets me through my life. My faith in God. I believe God plays a huge role in keeping marriage together, and it's important to me that someone that shares that exact belief marries us. He does, she doesn't. She told me that I don't even know her religious beliefs, and I told her she's right (which I should if it was a driving force in her life), but I did know that she had dabbled in Buddism. Again, she was mad at me.
It was at this point where she let me know that the reason she refused my offer for her to be in the wedding was that she thought it was "stupid" for "older women" to have weddings. She thought it was dumb for my mom to do it. She thinks it's dumb for me to do it. I told her I'm not "older"...that a lot of women get married for the first time at my age, and Tony has never been married, so I thought it was fine. She said "older women" look tacky up there wearing bridesmaids dresses. (including my other sister, and one of my best friends that are both over 50 and doing it!)
I guess now, 3 weeks before the wedding, I'm starting to panic. How many people are going to look at me and think I look ridiculous? How many people are going to judge me and say "she shouldn't be doing this again?". I just think it's not fair to Tony. He wanted all this. He wants to celebrate our journey with friends and family. And even if I have had it before, this is so different, and it's been 15 years..... don't I have the right to be happy and celebrate? Is there a limit to the number of "happy events" one can have in their life?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
We went to see the SATC movie last night. I had seen it, but he hadn't, and I wanted him to. He liked it....thought it was realllllly long. It did feel long last night for some reason. He thought it was mostly Carrie's fault b/c she didn't have her phone and hear his messages and if they had talked ahead of time, she could have reassured him again. My thought is that he shouldn't have needed reassurance. She had done that the night before!! I found myself still crying at the same parts I cried at the first time.
Just looked at all of Shannon's wedding pictures. Question after looking at them.... why didn't my daughter smile? She is halfway smiling in one. None in the rest. That's her "thing" now...not to smile. GRRRRRRRRR
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I hate all drama, but girl drama is the worst. Seriously. Before you freak out about something and make it such a huge deal, think. Think. Is this going to matter in 2 hours? 2 weeks? a year?
Girl drama is the absolute worst. I love being a woman. I love everything, well, almost everything, about it. But why do we as women seem to perpetuate drama. Guys don't do it. They just don't. I know all that stuff about women being more emotional, etc....but face it, we are also very rational and logical problem solvers. Most of us are. There is no reason why we can't head off some of this drama before it happens.
Anyway...just had to get that off my chest. I need coffee. Heading to Starbucks.
Monday, July 7, 2008
My Homesick Boy
The first call came about 9 am, still excited.
The second call came about noon, a little less excited.
The third call came at 6:30 am Sunday. Tears.
The 4th-10th calls came throughout the day yesterday. Tears. Come get me. I hate this.
He hasn't even been there a full, normal day yet. They were just registering and getting settled yesterday, but he hates the latrine, the bugs, the sleeping conditions (not in a tent), and he's homesick. It absolutely broke my heart. Tony, on the other hand, thinks he needs to get himself together, suck it up, and stick it out. I wanted to get in the car right then and go get him. We've agreed he needs to stick it out today. Then, we'll see.
He's also using the cell phone I let him take as a crutch. I never thought he'd call that much though. I asked his friend's dad to take the phone and hold it for him and only let him use it once a day. I can't take it more than that. :-(
I feel awful for him. I'm hoping he'll stick it out today, get used to it, relax, and have the time of his life and not want to come home at the end of the week. Well, maybe not that part. I still want him to want to come home.
Oh...good news.... I found a Wii Fit finally!!! I signed up for Wii Alerts and they sent me a text telling me Toys R Us online had them. I logged in immediately and ordered it by 8 am this morning!! Woooohoooo!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
One thing done...a million more to do
SO...after much research, I wrote it today. I picked the "9th annual international conference on education" being held in January in Honolulu, Hawaii. I also added in 10 days of intense training on Kagan strategies being held in Disney World. The grant would only pay for me to go, but I thought we could save up for Tony and the kids to go as well. I'd have my airfare and hotel for all of us paid for anyway.
The bad news is that I have to turn this in very soon....but won't find out until November if I won. That sucks. And to make matters worse, anyone that knows me knows that I'm really not a fan of certain kinds of surprises. Like this. I have to go to a dinner. Dorsey will be there, Dr. Roberson will be there, the woman that nominated me will be there. None of us will know if I won until they call my name, or not. That stresses me out big time. At least if I lose, I still get $750 for being a finalist. I'm happy with that.
Anyway, it's done. All I have to do now is turn it in....and wait.
Monday, June 30, 2008
One month to go!
I have thoroughly enjoyed being single, besides the financial aspects. I have changed and grown in so many ways. Before, I thought I'd just die if I was alone. I wasn't sure I could do it. But I did it. House repairs, yard work, bills, managing the kids.... I did it all, and I think I did it well. I have learned that I absolutely CAN stand on my own two feet, and can take care of myself. Sure, it will be wonderful to be fully committed to someone to help with all of that, and allow him to take care of me as well, but it feels great to know that I've done it. I'm not the same person. I like to think I'm more confident, more of a problem solver, and more conscientious about what really matters in life.
All that being said, I'm very excited about the wedding. Shannon's wedding was Saturday, and it just brought my own wedding more to light. It's all so real now. Very, very exciting. I can't wait to look down the aisle, see Tony at the end of it, and be surrounded by all of our friends and family. Such a comforting thought.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"Knot Just Yet" bachelorette parties- DO NOT USE THEM
The person I used, Eddie, lied to me over the phone over and over, his latest lie being that he will refund me $500. I was supposed to have it by June 20. It's now the 24th, and guess what....he's "unreachable". I spent almost 2K with this jerk for Shannon's party, and got a service worth about $300, plus a limo. I'm sure the limo was $400 or so, but what happened to the rest of the money?? This company is awful. I have filed with the Better Business Bureau and want to take him to court. What a complete waste of money.
Remember what I wanted?
Tony wanted a big wedding. "If we have a big wedding, I'll help do everything 50-50".
Ummmm remember that?
Suddenly, "helping" is making a payment here and there, and giving opinions about things after they've been decided. When asked, it's "you know I really don't care" until later.
Tonight, he tells me he wants the groomsmen in a particular order-- his two brothers have to stand next to each other. Doesn't matter how tall they are. Doesn't matter how it'll look from the pews. I've asked him before who he wanted to walk with whom and he said he didn't care.
It's so frustrating. Seriously. I told him fine- to call Zhan (who is writing a program and running the show that day) and tell him...get involved. He won't. That's my job apparently. GRRRRRRRRR
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I can't wait til this school year is over. I still need to copy my report cards, organize all of my cumulative files, and finish cleaning up my room. I want to be checking out of there by 10 am on Friday! Then I can move on to the fun stuff.
Think about me.... I'm still a big wreck thinking about Mason's graduation Wednesday night, and the infamous walk down the hall. I don't want to cry hysterically and have everyone looking at me, and embarass Mason, but I can't even talk about it without crying. Not sure how I'm going to get thru it without falling apart. I keep telling myself it's really silly- he's not going to middle school tomorrow or anything. He will be with me all summer, and every morning next year he will catch the bus from BPES to get to Stonewall. I guess it will just be so strange not seeing him throughout the day next school year. Time for my baby to stretch his wings and enjoy some independence. Doesn't mean I have to like it though.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Crazy crazy busy....
1. The weekend away in DC was eye-opening in many ways. I won't elaborate here, but suffice to say there was some drama. It's all taken care of now, but it just wasn't fun for a little while. I loved being away though, relaxing, dancing a little- just being me instead of mom, bride-to-be, teacher, etc. A nice change of pace. I'm so excited about my own weekend in Philly. I can't wait to go back to where we were engaged. I just love that city. I have so many wonderful memories there.
2. My classes are killing me. They are both kind of boring, but I LOVE one of the professors, so I enjoy hearing her talk. The other is so boring, so dry, and the professor is just very....intense. The assignments are a pain in the you know what, and a complete waste of time. But, I still work really hard because I want an A. Come June 19th, this class will be done, and I can just concentrate on the one I like until July 28.
3. Wedding...I'm super super excited. The invites went out thursday, and I can't wait to start getting those little cards back. The invitations were simply beautiful if I do say so myself. I thought they were just perfect. We are down to just odds and ends to take care of. I'm just so excited. I wish it was next weekend. I can't wait to stand up there, in front of everyone, and pour my heart out. Don't get me wedding was really pretty the first time, but this time, I'm so much more sure of what I want and what I have in a partner. I'm also more confident, more outspoken, and I can't wait to publicly express how I feel about Tony. I hope it's just beautiful.
4. Tony started a new job this week. It's in DC, so he's getting up at 3 every morning, leaving the house at 3:40 AM to catch the vanshare at 4 am! He sleeps all the way up (2 hours) and then catches it back to Richmond about 3 pm. He's home by 5 or 5:30. He absolutely loves the job, and says he is "in his element". I still see a move for us in the future, although he says no- that he doesn't mind the commute. We will see I guess...only time (and money) will tell!
5. Mason's musical. It's been soooo much work for him. Twice a week, 2 hours each time. They performed Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday night, Friday night, and tonight. 5 performances. He danced (one of 4 boys chosen) a waltz with the sweet little girl he has a crush on. I swear, I've seen this dance probably 10 times now, and I get teary every.single.time I watch it, on video and in person! I am going to have to survive this upcoming week on xanax. He also sang a solo of "The Twist" and did such an amazing job. Now if I can just get thru graduation on Wednesday. It will definitely be a tear-fest for me. And that hall-walk on Thursday. Oh my gosh. I'm just going to be a puddle.
Monday, May 19, 2008
50 things I love about Tony...
- I love his strong arms.
- I love that he loves my children as his own.
- I love when he gets me water at night.
- I love it when I catch his eye across a room in a crowd.
- I love it when he orders for me at dinner.
- I love how he insists on opening doors for me- the car, the house, whatever.
- I love it when he stops for Starbucks.
- I love his random text messages and emails.
- I love that he's insistent on what we dance to at the wedding.
- I love how involved he's wanted to be on everything.
- I love that he's romantic and mushy sometimes.
- I love his cologne.
- I love that he can't sleep without touching foot, my leg, whatever.
- I love that he tucks the kids in every night.
- I love what he has helped Mason become.
- I love that he acts like a kid sometimes.
- I love that he makes me laugh every single day.
- I love playing Phase 10 with him. (even though he hates that I win every time)
- I love sitting on the deck drinking wine and listening to music.
- I love that he will dance in the kitchen with me.
- I love his kisses.
- I love when he gets me a clean towel.
- I love that I'm the only girl he's ever taken home to mom.
- I love how planned out our engagement was.
- I love his Michael Jackson impression.
- I love singing in the car with him.
- I love going to clubs with him.
- I love that we love the same movies- When Harry Met Sally, 50 First Dates
- I love watching "our" shows together: Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, and yes, Rock of Love when it was on.
- I love that he loves my friends.
- I love that he is protective of me.
- I love that he gets "a little jealous" sometimes.
- I love when he scratches my back.
- I love that he loves my body, faults and all.
- I love that he likes doing homework with the kids.
- I love that he never forgets the anniversary of my breast cancer dx.
- I love watching football with him.
- I love hearing him talk about football....he really knows his stuff!
- I love watching him when he gets to hang out with Will.
- I love watching him interact with his brothers.
- I love the way his mom looks at him. You can tell she is so proud.
- I love his smell right out of the shower.
- I love it when he plays with my hair.
- I love how he looks when he dresses up, especially in a suit and tie.
- I love when he does chores. :-)
- I love when he comes to school to have lunch with me.
- I love it when he smiles.
- I love that he lets me cry whenever I am sad about my mom.
- I love that he doesn't let me cry when I'm stressed- he always talks me out of it or makes me realize things aren't so bad after all.
- I love that he lets me be who I am.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Bring on Summer!
And then, at some point, hopefully after my honeymoon, I'll start to want to go back to work. Funny how that is.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Bachelor parties and other nonsense...
So what is it about men and strip clubs? Why is that just "what you do" on a bachelor party? I know men are visual and all that BS, but don't you think they should feel awkward about some strange girl that gets paid to rub her ta tas all over them? It's a J O B to them....not a D A T E.
I keep telling myself I'm not going to care if he goes to one. I know he's not going to kiss her or anything like that....but I hate the thought of another woman rubbing her body all over him. Does that make me jealous? Does that make me a woman who isn't confident enough about her relationship? Do the women that say "I don't care if he goes" really mean it?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Save the Drama for your mama
I'm at home, happily enjoying my 2nd glass of wine. I may have a 3rd. And maybe a 4th.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
China or Plastic?
At the moment, the current debate comes down to plates, glasses, and silverware. So, i ask you.... does it matter? It will cost us about an additional $600 to rent china, silver, and a bajillion different kinds of glasses. OR, the caterer will provide clear plastic plates and plastic everything else for FREE. Tacky? Maybe. Cheaper? Definitely. Worth $600? This is where I struggle. Will the people that come to the wedding stand off to the side saying "Oh my Gosh- can you believe they spent all this for a wedding and we are eating off of plastic?". I really don't know. I know that I would never go to a wedding and say that. But I don't know about anyone else. I have two or three people that feel it is critical we get the china. A few others that say it doesnt' matter. Thoughts?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wedding Rings
Then, we went and picked out our wedding bands! That, of course, was the best part! I was expecting to put them on layaway or something, but we ended up leaving with them. Tony doesn't trust me not to keep trying it on- I can't imagine why! So, he made me take it to school and give it to Keene to keep with my dress. It's really pretty. I like his too. He told me he wanted diamonds on his. BLECH. I kept trying to tell him he was going to look like A. an old man or B. a pimp. It wasn't until I said "oh ok...go ahead...get whatever it is you like. You are the one that has to wear it" and he tried them on....then he says "ugh. You are right. That looks ridiculous!". UM....really?!?!? So, he got a pretty simple band...kind of beveled. I like it.
Today is soooo pretty. I just wish I had been home today getting my house clean- it's been a wreck since the shower. I had an appt for 4 pm today at the gym, but I cancelled it. It's just too pretty out. I'm going to go running after dinner instead. I need to get my big butt used to running. We are going to try to run the Race for the Cure this year. :-)
Monday, March 31, 2008
First day back to work
It was so hard to go back to work today, but having my student teacher made it tolerable. She is doing such a good job! I was able to observe her teaching reading this morning, and then get a lot of wedding stuff done. I booked The Hard Shell for the rehearsal. We'd been on the fence for quite some time, but we are very excited about having it there, and decided to just spend the extra money to do it there. I think it will be really good.
I also spent quite awhile looking for favors. I still can't find anything affordable that I really like. I need to keep hunting for those.
I came home just for a bit, then it's off to class tonight. I dread it more than you can imagine. What was I thinking going back to school!?!?!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Spring Break is over!
Spring Break is over. I'm distraught. What a great week! We didn't do anything all that exciting- no trips to the beach, no Busch Gardens, no girl time, no me time, no shopping. (Sounds pretty crappy now that I type it all out!) But, it was actually nice. I cleaned out every closet in the house with the exception of Tony's. (His closet is very, very scary and I won't go there. I don't know how he lives with it like that, but that's another blog.) I gathered 12 bags of clothes, books, and toys, and another 2-3 boxes of dishes and had AmVets come pick it all up on Thursday morning. I feel productive. The weather has been awesome. We went to the park yesterday and just hung out.
Better yet, I've exercised (at the gym, or running) every day this week! YEAH ME! I worked out with Dave the Trainer yesterday, and then went on a 2 mile run last night- which was a first for me; never two things on the same day! I'm going today to have my measurements done, AGAIN. There's nothing scarier than standing in front of my hottie trainer while he pinches and measures and calculates body fat. I know right away when he gives me a's either a "YOU GO GIRL look" or a "YOU REALLY NEED TO GET SERIOUS" look. I'm anxious to see what look I get today.
Today I am going to go sit on my deck and try to get some sun. I'm so freaking pasty white, which really doesn't help my cause. At least stretch marked cellulite looks better tan than white, right?
Mason is going on a camping trip this weekend. I'm sad. Tony is going with him tonight, but the rest of the weekend, he will be parent-less. I can't believe he's old enough to do that. I said something like that today, and he said "Mom, it's part of being a scout. I have to be self-sufficient". WHAT?!?! What happened to my little man???
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
A funny....
I came home and asked Tony if he'd ever done it. He laughed and said yes...."every guy has at some point in their life". At least he's honest, right?
Then I read this online on another blog I read, Greek Tragedy.
compact cars and shafts
"I want it to be as compact as possible when I'm not using it." It's true of your cell phone, a pocket knife, or a contractible beach bag, even. But Phil feels this way about his man bits. The growers vs. showers debate unfolded in the following manner:
"I get these emails all the time," Phil says as he looks up from his laptop. "I just got one that says 'Be 10 inches when flaccid.' Who would want to be ten inches when they're not even doing anything with it?""You've been sampling the punch again, haven't you?""No, really, what's the point? I mean, it's not like it's in service or anything.""Well, I for one think it's quite nice--are you kidding?!--a nice third leg hanging down mid-thigh...""Nah, who wants that? I want it to be that way hard, not soft.""You want a collapsible travel cup.""Who needs all that excess to just get in the way?""A radio antenna.""Huh?""You basically want a space-saver penis.""This isn't that pyramid show.""Baby, the wheels of an aircraft are supposed to be retractable, not your dick." He shrugs. "How big is yours, I mean technically?""I don't know." Lie numero uno."Oh, come on. Every guy knows, or at least has a general idea." When I say "general" I really mean they've accounted for the weather when measuring their instruments. Marked by exactness, penile particulars are never relayed in shrugs of "I don't know." Males assess their assets from all possible angles, treating their calculations as if they're SAT results, only considering the best combination of scores. If he admits to only having a "general idea," it means he's all but tried to weigh the thing."I've never measured it." Dos."You mean never this year, or never since we've been married or something, right?""No, never." "Then there's something wrong with you." I get that it's not a practice of grown men, but I cannot imagine a pubescent boy trapped up in bathrooms with his mother's lingerie catalog, or even a dated J.C. Penny's circular, and believe, even for a moment, that he never once measured his manifesto."It's true. I haven't." Tres and quatro: two counts for adamantly declaring it a truth. Next he'll say he never once sampled the fruit of its labor. "Besides," he adds, "all that's important is that it's big when it's in use, but otherwise, small as possible works.""You'd never survive as a gay man."
I think that is so freakin funny.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Grumpy vent
1. I am up to 147 lbs. I am so mad at myself. I can't get a grip on why I am gaining weight. I'm working out. I'm trying to eat right. I just want lipo. I hate my big stomach and I hate my fat legs. :(
2. Why did I start cleaning out? My room looks great...and 4 bags to go to Goodwill. But Mason's room is a complete wreck, and from the looks of it, it's going to take a good, full day to get it in some kind of order.
3. I wanted to do some stuff with the kids this week, but I am flat broke. I hate that too.
4. I just put a bunch of stuff on ebay. I hope it sells. Badly.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Well, sure enough, Abbie gets a little sniffle on Saturday morning, and a full fledged fever by Saturday night. A trip to Patient First. a strep test, and a flu test yields nothing- "It's a virus". Well, she went to school Monday, but came home looking like a truck ran over her. A trip to the doctor (the real doctor, the pediatrician) yields a positive flu test! ARRRRGH! And it's too late for Tamiflu, so we just have to suffer thru it.
Why did I have to open my mouth?!?!?!
Monday, March 17, 2008
I have a student teacher. I'm so excited. She started last week and she did a great job. I think she's going to be the best one I've ever had. She is already teaching everything except reading, and doing it well. By her third day, she started teaching Math. The kids love her and she is making my life much easier. I have to do some observing and give her feedback, but I've been left with much more time to do other stuff too. I kinda like it. I think I should have her for the rest of the year, don't ya think?
Had my second (and last) fitting for my dress on Friday night. They did a great job with the alterations. Now I just need to make an appt with David for a portrait, and then make an appt for hair and makeup for after that. I guess I'll do it on a Saturday. I'm wondering if it could wait til June when school is out. At least then I'd have some sort of tan, maybe. I hope.
Nothing else going on really.... still going to school...only 7 more Monday night classes and 7 more Wednesday night classes, then 3 weeks off before I start again. I can't wait to be done with these two. I hate them both. No fun at all.
Off to get a snack for the youngest and then back to school to pick up the oldest from play practice.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Can I also say how much I am hoping for a snow day tomorrow?!?! Pleeeeeeeaaaassseeee????
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Get this...
Fast sister and niece are having an engagement party for us in March. They went yesterday and got the invites and all that. She emails me today over myspace and says my nephews skanky girlfriend wants to co-host it with them and did i mind?!?! Seriously. I haven't spoken 2 words to this girl since this all went down. And now she wants to co-host a party for us? Whatever. I told her I didn't care, and maybe this was her way of "apologizing". Who knows. I just find it really unbelievable.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Cake and Flowers and Dresses- oh my
Today, Tony's mom, Tony, and I went to design the wedding cake. It was lots of fun, and we ate way too much cake while trying to decide! We ended up with a 3 layer cake, done in mocha, dark brown, and tiffany blue. I hope it's not "weird" looking. It's hard when you can't see it - you just have to imagine it.
Then, we went to do the flowers. It seemed to go wayyyy to easily. We'll see. I can't wait to see the estimate! (NOT)
Then, tonight I met Donna to order her dress. She has lost 43 lbs and is still losing! I also made the appt for my alterations. I need to make an appt with Dave for our pictures. We are going to do a family portrait- our first one with us and the kids- and not show anyone until the reception. I'm going to do one of just me too. I think I'll wait til May to do that one- my too-short hair needs to grow out!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Count your blessings
Sunday, February 3, 2008
A sweet a-ha moment
I was upstairs and I heard the pre-game show on downstairs. I heard Alicia Keyes singing "No One" which I love.... I ran downstairs and Tony was laying across a chair watching. Hat on backwards. Shorts and a t-shirt. I was just standing there in front of the tv, kinda dancing, kinda singing....just watching. I glanced down at him, and he's staring at me with this huge smile on his face. He says nothing, just kinda scoots up, pats the cushion between his legs, and makes a spot for me. I sat down, and we finished watching her together. It was just one of those moments where I looked at him and thought "he is so damn cute and I'm so damn lucky".
Sigh.... now he's into the football game again.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wedding Central
I met Kerr and Braden at 1:30. We picked out a flower girl dress for Braden. She looks so pretty in it. Then we got Kerr's dress fitted and ordered, which was a challenge considering her pregnant tummy! Hard to guess what size she'll be then, but if I know her, she'll be right back at whatever size it is she wants to be within no time.
Then, I met Tony over on the tux side, and he picked out his tuxes. So sweet. I had to deploy my womanly-ways to convince him not to use the Tiffany blue color in the vests or ties. He loves that color. I love it too....but not in a tux. Makes me think of junior prom or something. It was no help that the manager there seemed to like it. He ended up going with something much better.
Then, we left and went to the mall. I was exhausted at that point anyway- it was already 4:30 or so. We went to Firebirds, had a nice but quick dinner and a few drinks, and then, off to REGISTER! We went to Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel, and lastly, Macy's. By the time we got to Macy's, we were so hot and tired that I have no idea what all we picked. I'll probably need to go in and edit that one! :-) It was a lot of fun though. The last time I registered (a loooooooooooonnnnnng time ago) there was no had to write it all down on paper! The little scanner thing was fun! Tony controlled it, and I just picked out what I wanted. It was like a shopping spree....but free! And of course, we didn't get to take anything home! But I got my fix of retail therapy.
We came home, and I relaxed in a very full, hot bath. We watched a little tv, and went to sleep pretty early. I was exhausted and grumpy by bed time, but today I feel so good because we got so much done!!!